Returns information about specific additional/optional fee for a registration.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Registrations, Accounting
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
- Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid) Numeric return value: positional number of optional fee to return (i.e. 1, 2, or 3 fee on the list)
Optional Parameters ​
- Numeric return value: fee order number to return the fee (2 returns 2nd fee)
- Logical .t. returns the fee description, .f. returns the dollar amount of that fee default
- Logical .t. use begins as match for fee description, .f. use exactly matches for fee description
Example(s) ​
FEEDETL(rgcrse,rgid,2,.t.) returns the registrant's 2nd additional/optional fee description
FEEDETL(rgcrse, rgid,1) returns the registrant's 1st additional/optional fee amount