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ACEweb Administration Tools ​

You can run various tools from the ACEweb Amdinistration page.

About ACEweb ​

The ACEweb About page shows information about ACEweb.

Basic About ACEweb Page ​

To run the basic About ACEweb page, open the ACEweb Amdinistration and click the About ACEweb link in the System Reports section.

About ACEweb Extended ​

The Extended About page show extended information that can be useful when troubleshooting.

To run the Extended View, open the ACEweb Amdinistration and click the (Extended View) link in the System Reports section. Note, you will need access to view the Extended Listing page.

Reload HTML Templates ​

If you make changes to the Foundation templates while ACEweb is running, those changes will not be reflected on your site until you reload the HTML templates.

Also, if you are running in COM mode with more than one server, you must also reload the COM servers after editing these templates.

View Site Activity Log ​

Click the Site Activity link to see a summary of hits, sessions, and registrations (successful and failed).

Specify Time Period ​

You can also specify a time period:

Enrollment Session Log ​

The Enrollment Cart Log link shows detailed information about Enrollment Cart entries.

The system will show today's Cart entries by default:

Check a Date Range box, or enter a custom date range, then click the Refresh button to see other Cart entries.

You can show Abandoned Cart entries (courses that were added to the Cart but the user didn't continue the Checkout process) by checking the Only Show Abandoned Cart Entries box.

You can also export the Cart entries by clicking the Export to Excel button.

Abandoned Cart Entries ​

Cart Entries are marked as abandoned when the users deletes a course from the Cart, when they clear the Cart, or when they click the Proceed to Checkout button to get to the Checkout page then don't continue to the Pay Service.

Cart Entries can also be marked as Cancelled if the user doesn't finish the registration. For example, they get to your Payment Service then close the browser and don't finish the process.

Registration Log ​

To see detailed information about Online registrations, click the Registration Log link.

The system will show today's registrations by default:

Check a Date Range box, or enter a custom date range, then click the Refresh button to see other registrations.

Rebuild System Files ​

Use the Rebuild System Files links to rebuild outdated or corrupted ACEweb system files.  You can rebuild an individual file by clicking the appropriate link (i.e. AWEnroll, AWwkshop, AWCustData, AWExcept, AWRegLog, WWSession), or rebuild all system files with the All Files link.

Verify Resources ​

The verify option allows administrators to check paths/permissions to the Student Manager data files and optionally to the Gatecop folder. This may be useful in situations where these resources do not reside on the same server as ACEweb. It is suggested that the verify option always be run after a new install or major reconfiguration.

Note:  you must log into the system as an ACEweb administrator to access this option.

Switch Error Display ​

Switch between normal and expanded error displays.  Switching to Expanded error displays will show more data when viewing the error log.  This may be useful in debugging some errors.

Note:  if you are running in COM mode with more than one server, you must reload the COM servers after switching the error display.

Reload COM Servers ​

When running in COM mode with more than one server, it may be necessary to reload all servers after making certain changes (e.g. when editing INI settings).

To reload the COM servers, go to the Web Connection Server Maintenance (Admin.aspx) page then click the Web Connection Module Administration link.