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Set Up Fee Estimates ​

Estimate how many enrollments you will receive at each registration fee level you have set up for the course on the Fee Setup tab. To set up a fee estimate:

  1. Click the Add Fee button.
  2. Select a fee description from the drop down menu.
  3. Enter the fee amount in the Amount field.
  4. Enter the estimated number of individuals who will be enrolling at this fee level in the # field.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until all fees estimates have been added.

The Total Estimated Income field displays the total estimated amount for all Main fees you set up.

Update Fees ​

You may replace Course fees with the ones you have added to the budget record by clicking the Update Fees button.


The Update Fees routine will DELETE any Main Course fees you have set up on the Course Fees tab, and replace them with the Main fees set you set upon the budget record.

Import Fees ​

You may import Courses fees already set up on the Course Fees tab with the Import Fees button.