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Returns total paid for all registrations in a given group.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Registrations, Accounting

Required Parameters ​

  1. Group ID (i.e. rggroupid, pypayid)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Logical .t. only report billings, .f. report all payment types (default)
  2. Condition based on Pay records to specify which payments to include in total paid (i.e. "pyname='ACEware Systems, Inc.'")

Example(s) ​

GRPGTPAID(rggroupid) returns total paid for all registrations in group (i.e. $525.00)

GRPGTPAID(rggroupid,.t.) returns total billed for all registrations in group (i.e. $400.00)

GRPGTPAID(rggroupid,.f., "pyname='ACEware Systems, Inc.'") returns total paid for all registrations in group that were paid by ACEware Systems, Inc.

Notes ​

Used in group receipt reporting