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ACEweb INI Settings ​

The following is a brief description of the ACEweb.ini settings in alphabetical order.

Accessible - Determines if ACEweb runs in Accessibility mode to meet Section 508 and WC3 Accessibility standards.

ACEwebURL - Web Domain address for ACEweb, pointing to the virtual folder where the wc.dll resides.

AddOwnAccount - Determines whether new users are allowed to create Name records for themselves and others (e.g. family members or co-workers).

AdjustWksFees - For custom Workshop functionality.

AdminEmail - Email address of the person who should receive ACEweb error messages.

AdminLevel - Minimum ACEweb Access Level (as set on their Student Manger user record) a staff member must have to access Instructor rosters.

AdminMailServer - SMTP mail server used to send ACEweb error messages.

AdminSendErrorEmail - Determines if email notifications are sent when there is an ACEweb error.

AdmLogonAttrib - Attributes that are added to the ACEweb Administration Log On password field.

AltSettings - Alternative settings for custom applications or special situations.

AllowDeposit - Comma delimited set of Main Fee descriptions used with the ACEweb Deposit option.

AllowDupes - Overrides ban on a user enrolling multiple times in the same course.

AllowWaitList - Activates the Waiting list option for all courses.

AlternateSQL - Used in Alternate interfaces with the SQL version only.

AlternateURL - List one or more URLs that are allowed to originate registration submissions, other than the main URL listed in ACEwebURL INI.

AltPS - For use with the PayPal Express payment option.

AltSettings - Alternative settings for custom applications or special situations.

ArchivePath - Allows ACEweb to include archived courses in the Registraiton History.

AsyncFields - Determines which fields/headers will be shown when Async type courses are listed in the course displays.

AsyncLink - If the user is allowed to launch online courses from within ACEweb, this setting should provide the base URL where the course links can be found.

AsyncTypes - Sets the course types that will be treated as Async type courses (i.e. courses with no dates).

AuthenticateSendMail - Determines if SMTP authentication is used when sending emails.

AutoAssign - Auto assign Senior Citizen rate to Name Fee Category based on birthdate entered.

BillFirm - Determines if Invoices will be directed to the firm specified in the Name record.

BonusDeal - Specify options for the BOGO special offer.

CatLinkStatus - Determines how ACEweb handles Prerequisite courses.

ChargeMsg - Message to appear both when email is sent and on screen once Credit Card charge is accepted.

CheckSum - For system use….do not change.

CloseCountdown - Maximum value for which the exact number of openings will be displayed on the XCourseStatus.htm page.

CouponLimits - Determines if the Coupon Limit feature is enabled.

CourseOrder - Order in which courses are sorted in course listings.

CourseService - For custom course services.

CustomEmail - Used in customized applications.

CustomerAddress - Available as an alternative to hard-coding customer address info in templates (##Config.cCustomerAddress##)

CustomerCode - Used by ACEweb when special code modules have been customized for your organization.

CustomerCity - Available as an alternative to hard-coding customer city info in templates (##Config.cCustomerCity##).

CustomerName - Available as an alternative to hard-coding customer org name info in templates (##Config.cCustomerName##).

CustomerState - Available as an alternative to hard-coding customer state info in templates (##Config.cCustomerState##).

CustomerZip - Available as an alternative to hard-coding customer zip code info in templates (##Config.cCustomerZip##).

DataPath - Location of Student Manager program files.

DebugFlag - Enable debug logging options for ACEweb.

DebugMode - Enables system level logging operations and other features that may facilitate troubleshooting.

DefaultPayType - For use with Payment Services that do not return the credit card type used to pay for the web transaction.

DupeCheck - Trigger a final check for duplicate registrations (same user/same course) as part of the payment routine.

ECDC - Determines if Supplemental Data Capture fields are included on the Enrollment Cart or on a separate page.

ECTableClass - Specifies a CSS table definition for formatting the Enrollment Cart table.

ECTableColors - Set table colors for Enroll Cart table.

ECTableTags - Set table tags for Enroll Cart table.

EnforceMandFees - Determines if Mandatory fees are automatically added to the total due for the course.

FailOption - Determines how ACEweb handles registrations when the payment fails to validate (i.e. declined credit card or processing canceled by user).

FeeBreakdown - Comma delimited list containing the Category values for the Fee Breakdown listing of a course.

FeeLimits - Determines if the Course Fee limit feature is enabled.

FeeOrder - For system use….do not change.

FullMsg - HTML coded message to identify closed courses in the course listings.

GateCop - Determines if ACEweb uses the GateCop program to interface with a third party pay service.

GroupInit - For system use….do not change.

GroupList - Determines which course groups are included in, or excluded from, Group listings. Mostly used with Alternate Interfaces.

GroupOption - Set the group option for course listings.

HelpEmail - Email address of staff member that user can contact for further information.

HelpPerson - Name associated with the Help Email.

HelpPhone - Phone number to be displayed when user is given the option to phone for help.

HideInstTypes - Comma delimited list of Instructor types for which information will NOT be displayed.

HideSessionCt - Determines whether "Sessions" clause will be omitted from Meets field.

HTMLPagePath - Path to ACEweb templates on the server.

IDAlias - Term that will be used to refer to the Name ID.

IDPrefix - Code prefix for Name IDs generated by ACEweb.

InstructorFields - Determines fields and column headings for the table shown on the Instructor information page.

IntCodeCols - Specifies number of columns for the Interest Codes table on the Profile page.

InterestScope - Scope Interest codes listed on the Profile page.

InvoiceMsg - Specify message that is displayed to user when selecting the billing option.

MailServer - Name of SMTP Mail server.

MajorgroupHead - deprecated. Specifies the heading for the top level group listing (If GroupOption is set to 2).

MarketerEmail - Email address of the person selected to receive notice of catalog requests.

MaxTableSize - When the size of a course listing table (rows X cols) exceeds this value, the listing will be displayed in text format rather than as an HTML table.

MemberLookup - Used for custom Membership procedures.

MemberRegLimits - Enables the optional Member Limit feature.

MemberTimeExt - Determines how Membership discounts are calculated.

MgrWebLevel - Minimum ACEweb Level required to access Staff Web Access.

MultiEmailResponse - When a user asks for their ID to be emailed to their address: if the address entered matches more than one student account, the system will respond with the specified message instead of sending out the multiple IDs.

NameIDLength - Used when validating user ID entries.

NotifyOffice - If enabled, transaction notices are emailed to staff when users add accounts, request information, and register for courses.

NullEmptyDates - For SQL databases only. If set to ON, specifies that "empty" date fields will always contain a NULL entry.

OfficeEmail - Email address of the staff member(s) selected to receive transaction notices.

OneTimeCoupon - Determines if One-Time Coupon feature is enabled.

OnlyActiveInstruct - Determines if inactive instructors will be able to access rosters online.

OrgHours - Hours of operation displayed on the Contact Us web page.

OrgName - Organization name to be displayed in web page messages and emails.

PageParseMode - Affects how Web Control Framework pages, e.g. .awp type templates which have associated .PRG files.

PayOption - Set the default pay option for users (i.e. Credit Card Only, Invoice Only, User has the option of credit card or invoice).

PayService - Credit card processing service (e.g. TLINK6, AUTHORIZENET, etc.).

PCCEmail - Email address for failed payment notifications. Overrides OfficeEmail for these emails.

PCCMercNum - ID used by some payment services.

PCCPath - Payment Service Folder Path/URL.

PCCPrefix - Special configuration flags for specific payment service functionality.

PostPayerInfo - For use with some redirect payment services, to return credit card holder information (i.e. name, address, and phone)

PreGenReceipt - Specifies when the receipt number is added to the Pay record for credit card transactions.

PrintCourseNotes - Determines whether course notes for receipts (conoteprt) are displayed on the Registration Confirmation page and included on the email confirmation message sent to the student.

PrintRegWarn - Determines whether the Course warning messages (coregwarn) will be displayed on the Registration Confirmation page and included on the email confirmation message sent to the student.

ProxyReg - Enable the Proxy Registration Feature.

PSHandlerLag - For use with Payment Services with the Silent Post option enabled. Time in seconds that the PayServiceHandler routine should wait for the notification that indicates that PayServicePosting (used by Silent Post option) has been completed.

PubPassword - If a password is specified here, the user will need to supply it to get into any of the pages requiring user signup.

RecapSiteKey - Recaptcha Site Key used with the reCaptcha option.

RegenSession - Generates a new Session ID when a person logs into ACEweb.

RegFirmFields - For custom registration level firm routines. Do not turn on unless instructed to by your ACEware technician.

RegStatusExclude - Set criteria for excluding courses from the display of Upcoming, Active, and/or Completed courses in the Registration History.

RegStatusFields - Determines fields and column headings on the Upcoming and Active listings in the Registration History.

ReportCertificate - For use with ACEweb STORM to specify the certificate report in Student Manager to be used when students view their certificate report.

ReportReceipt - For use with ACEweb STORM to specify the receipt report in Student Manager to be used when students view a receipt.

ReportTranscript - For use with ACEweb STORM to specify the transcript report in Student Manager to be used when students view their transcript report.

RequiredFields - Determines which fields on the personal profile page (person.awp) must be filled in.

RequiredMercnumMatch - Determines if users can add courses with different merchant numbers to the Enrollment Cart.

RollWorkshopCEUS - Determines if Workshop Hours and CEUs will be added to the Registration Hours and CEUs when an individual enrolls in a course with workshops.

RosterFields - Determines fields and column headings for instructor's Course Roster.

ScheduleFields - Determines which fields/headers will be shown when regularly scheduled courses are listed in the course listing displays.

ScriptMode - Controls how .wcs files are compiled. Should be set to 1.

SearchLocation - Determines which location field search options will be enabled.

SearchLogging - Enables the Search term logging feature.

SeatEnrollment - Determines how course enrollment count is incremented for Event type courses.

SenderEmail - Return email address used for emails sent by ACEweb.

SenderName - Sender name included in return email address of emails sent by ACEweb.

SessionCutoff - How long the session stays live, in seconds.

SessionTimeout - Time in Seconds when ACEweb session cookies will expire after they are initialized.

ShortTime - Determines how the Meets field will be displayed in the course listing pages.

ShowCatalog - Enables the Not Currently Scheduled feature.

ShowContacts - Allows the use of different "Who to contact with questions" names displaying on the Registration Confirmation and sent in the email confirmation.

ShowInstructor - Determines if link to instructor information is displayed on the course status page.

ShowLocation - Specifies the way Course Location information is displayed.

SignOn - Google Client ID for use with the Google Single Sign On option.

SilentPostEmail - Determines if confirmation emails will be sent from within the PayServicePosting routine.

SMVersion - Student Manager Version.

SpecialFee - For customers using custom Term fee options.

SQLConnectString - SQL Database connect string.

SSL - Determines whether ACEweb is running under Secure Sockets Layer.

SSSLevel - Determines if the criteria parameter is enabled/disabled in course listing routines, and if AWJSON targets must be encrypted.

StopMultiReg - Enables the past registration checking feature (prevents a student from enrolling in a course they have previously taken)

SubgroupHead - This setting specifies the heading for the secondary group listings.

SuperInstFilter - for use with the Super Instructor feature to determine which students are listed in the course roster.

SysopEmail - Email Address of person who should receive ACEweb error messages.

TableClass - Specifies a CSS table definition for formatting system generated tables.

TableColors - Specify custom colors for program-generated tables.

TableTags - Specifies additional attributes for most HTML tables displayed in ACEweb.

TaxRate - For custom tax rate routines.

ThirdParty - Used in customized applications. Do not change unless instructed to by your ACEware Systems technician.

TransactionFee - For customers using custom Transaction fee options.

TranscriptFields - Determines what fields are shown, and what text appears in the column headings, on the Completed Courses listing in the Registration History.

UseCoAlias - Determines if Course Code column entries are taken from the coalias field instead of cocrse.

UserIDSource - Set Logon Credentials ACEweb users need to supply to log into their Account.

UseStdHeader - Determines whether templates use header/footer information from Standard.htm.

ValidateEmail - Enforce restrictions on email entries for new Name records submitted via Express Registration templates.

VerboseFullMsg - Message shown on course status page when class is closed.

VirtualPath - Used internally by the WebConnection framework, do not modify.

VoidPendingPmts - When using a Payment Redirect service, determines how ACEweb records pending registration/payment records.

WarningEmail - Email address of the person who should receive Suspicious Request Notices.

WebRegHome - Display name of the ACEweb starting page.

WebRegURL - URL of the ACEweb starting page.

WksCodeMatch - For a given course, any 2 Workshops will be considered to reside in the same time slots if the first n characters of their Workshop Codes match.

WorkshopFields - Specify fields shown on Workshops Listing page.

Xpages - Specifies additional .htm templates that are permitted to be used with the Xpage routine. i.e.: Xpage?SESSIONS.HTM