Returns the specified name Unlimited UDF value, entered on the Name.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Names, Registrations
Required Parameters ​
- Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid)
- Unlimited UDF field name to return (i.e. whatever you created when defining your Unlimited UDFs)
Optional Parameters ​
Example(s) ​
addnmunl(nmid,"emergency_contact") returns the value of the emergency_contact UUDF field
Notes ​
- Symbols except for the underscore are removed from UUDF names. For example, if you entered Contact Person as the UUDF name, it is saved as ContactPerson.
- Field names are case-sensitive. For example, if you named your UUDF Contact_Person, you must use the same case in parameter 2.