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Course Reports ​

Course reports can be accessed in these reporting areas.

Course Quick Reports ​

Print a roster, nametags, certificates, etc. for a specific course by clicking the Quick Reports button on the course screen.

Course Quick Reports

Check the box of each report you want to run for the course. The system will run them one by one.

  • Rosters: you can also choose whether to include waitlisted registrations on the report, or only show waitlisted registrations (using the additional report called Waitlisted Students).

  • Nametags: to also print an instructor nametag when printing namestags for registrants, check the Instructor Nametag box. You can also set the Starting Label position by checking the Set Starting Label box.

  • Emailing: if you have Email set up, you can send a quick email to the registrants in the course, email waitlisted, email canceled, and email the course roster to the instructor(s).

  • Emailing Certificates and Faculty Contracts: you can email (with Email Separately option) PDF certificates to registrants, and PDF faculty contracts to instructors.

  • Send Mass Merge Email to class: you can also send an email to registrants using one of the Email templates (e.g. send a course reminder, or location confirmation).

  • Send SMS to Class: Twilio SMS users can send an text message to all registrants who have a cell phone AND have opted into receiving SMS messages.

  • Select Registrants: some report areas--Attendance Roster, Nametags, Mailing Labels, Certificates, Table Tents-- allow you to select what registrations will be included in the report.

Select Registrants

If you choose the Select option, you can select or deselect registrants. You can also search for registrants. Entering a name then clicking the Find button will highlight the 1st registrant it finds. Click the Find again to find other registrants with the entered Name.

Select Specific Registrants

  • Printing Mailing Labels: you can print labels for all registrants, or only those without an email address (e.g. if emailing a note to registrants but some don't have email addresses; this option allows you to email the registrants who do have email addresses and mail the registrants who don't):

Print Labels for registrants without an email address entered

  • Check Special Needs: if you check this box, the list of registrants with Special Needs (as entered in the Special Needs field on Name Comments tab) will pop up for you to review.

Check Speical Needs

  • Hybrid Courses - if the course is a Hybrid type, some quick reports will give you the option to only show physical, virtual, or all registrants.

Select Hybrid Registrants

Main Course Reports ​

Quick Reports are individualized reports. To run reports on groups of courses (e.g. all courses given between two dates), select one of these reports from the Main reporting area:

Reports > Accounting > Daily Income X Source by Course

Report payments made to courses. You can also print 1098-T forms from this area (additional report).

Reports > Courses

CEU Reporting (by course)

  • Data:  Course information, Course UDFs, Location information
  • Query Tables:  Course, Grouping, Pay, Course UDFs

Course Details (w/fees)

  • Data:  Course information, Fee information, Location, Course UDFs
  • Query Tables:  Course, Instructor, Location, Grouping, Fees, Course UDFs

Room Use List

  • Data:  Course information, Location and Room information, Instructor
  • Query Tables:  Course, Instructor, Location, Grouping, Crseroom

Income Summary

  • Data:  Course information, Due, Paid, Balance, Expenses, Income
  • Query Tables:  Course, Instructor, Pay, Grouping

Generate Catalog

  • Data:  Catalog information, Course information, Location, Instructor
  • Query Tables:  Catalog, Course, Grouping, Instructor, Location, Course UDFs

Statistics > Courses

Note: most of the above reports will only report course information. To print information about registrants in series of courses--for example, print rosters for all courses starting next week--go to the Reports > Registrations area.