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Call Back System ​

The Callback System is a feature that will remind users to call individuals on a specific date. If enabled, the system will check for callbacks during startup and display the callback list for that date. Scope the callbacks by user and the system will only list the callbacks for the particular user.

To enter a call back:

  1. Open the individual's Name record.
  2. Click the down arrow in the Call Back User field then select the user who should call back the individual.
  3. Enter the call back date in the Date field.
  4. Click the Save button.

When the user logs in on the Call Back date, the Call Back window will open showing the Call Back information:

Callbacks List

You can make changes to the following fields in the Callback window:

  • Change the Calldate.
  • Add Comments by double-clicking the individual's Callnote memo.
  • Clear the Call Back by changing the N in the Clear field to a Y.
  • Open the individual's Name Record by double clicking on the Who_to_Call field.

*Special Callback Tool ​

The Callback tool is another option available from the *Special button. Clicking the Callback button will enter a call back on the individual's record for 10 days in the future.

Manual Callback Checking ​

You can manually check for callbacks anytime you are in Student Manager by:

  • Selecting Tools > List Student Callbacks
  • Using the shortcut key CTRL+B