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Payment Plan ​

Bill the amount due for a registration over a period of months with the Payment Plan option. For example, registrants enrolled in a course will pay a set amount each month until the registration is paid off.


This option is ONLY available on single registrations. It is NOT available on grouped registrations (the Payment Plan button will be grayed out if the registration is grouped).

To use this feature:

  1. Enroll the person in the course.
  2. Click the Payments button to open the Payment screen.
  3. Select Billing from the Payment Type list.
  4. Edit the Billing Information, if necessary (e.g. switch to the Firm if the firm is paying for the registration).
  5. Click the Payment Plan button.
  6. Enter the number of installments (e.g. how many months).

Number of Installments

  1. By default, the system will split the total amount due over the number of installments you entered, and set the due date for each installment in 30 day increments. If desired, you can edit the due dates and amounts.

View Pay Plan Details

  1. You can also print the plan.

Print Payment Plan

  1. Click the OK button to create the billing records.

You can print invoices for the current billing payment from Reports > Invoices > Run Invoices.