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Used in a JUSTAFTER to save a text message to a catalog record.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Field Name/Variable Name containing text (i.e. getdata) in quotes
  2. Code to assign to catalog record (i.e. "RECTLB", pyrecnum, pyinvnum)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Description to assign to catalog record (i.e. "Receipt Number Letter Body")

Example(s) ​

JUSTAFTER('=SAVE2CAT("getdata",pyrecnum)') saves value of GETDATA field to catalog code record with the Catalog Code value of the record's receipt number

JUSTAFTER('=SAVE2CAT("getdata",pyrecnum,"Receipt Number Letter Body")') saves value of GETDATA field to catalog code record with the Catalog Code value of the record's receipt number, and enters 'Receipt Number Letter Body' as the Catalog Code description