Returns any field from any table in the system as long they have a key value for the table.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Table you want to return a field from in quotes (i.e. "NAMES", "COURSE", "REGISTER")
- Key from above table in quotes (i.e. "nmid" or "nmid+rgcrse")
- Key from report cursor, NO quotes (i.e. nmid or nmid+cocrse)
- Field from specified table to return (i.e. "nmsalut", "cosubcode", "rggrade")
Optional Parameters ​
- Condition to return field (i.e. "nmorg='C' ", "cocoord='Havlicek'", "rgtrack='03BROC' ")
Example(s) ​
ADDOMNI("NAMES","nmid",rgid,"nmsalut") returns value of Salutation field
ADDOMNI("NAMES","nmid",rgid,"nmsalut","nmorg='MED'") returns value of Salutation field if NMORG contains "MED"
ADDOMNI("NAMES","nmid+rgcrse",nmid+rgcrse,"rggrade") returns grade for specific individual in specific course