Report Functions by Category ​
The following list all available report functions by category, and a brief description.
Add Field (35) ​
ADDAPAY - Returns field from Pay table for a specific payment.
ADDCODE - Returns field from the Choices table.
ADDCOUNL - Returns a specific field from the Course Unlimited User Defined Field table.
ADDCRDAT - Returns Beginning - Ending date of a course in different formats.
ADDCRSE - Returns specified field from the Course table.
ADDCUDFS - Returns specified field from the Course User Defined Fields table.
ADDFEE - Returns Main and Other Fees set up in the Course Fees tab.
ADDFEE2 - Returns the descriptions and/or amounts of Optional charges for specific registrations.
ADDFINAID - Returns specified field from the master Financial Aid table.
ADDFIRM - Returns specified field from the Firms Table (based on the Name ID).
ADDFIRM2 - Returns specified field from the Firms Table based on the Instructor Firm ID.
ADDGIFT - Returns specified field from the GiftCard table.
ADDGRPAY - Returns payments for registration group with payment totals per receipt number.
ADDINT - Returns a Yes/No depending on whether the individual has the specified Interest Code; OR specified field from the Interest Code table.
ADDLABEL - Returns the text label of a specific user defined field.
ADDLOC - Returns course location and location information.
ADDLOC2 - Returns field from location table based on room ID code.
ADDNAME - Returns a specific field from the Names Table.
ADDNMUNL - Returns a specific field from the Names Unlimited User Defined Field table.
ADDNUDFS - Returns a specific field from the Name user defined fields table.
ADDOMNI - Returns any field from any table in the system (key value must be in cursor).
ADDOPT - Returns list of Additional/Optional fees for a single registration.
ADDPAY - Returns payment information for a particular registration.
ADDREG - Returns the value of a field from Register table.
ADDRGUNL - Returns a specific field from the Register Unlimited User Defined Field table.
ADDRUDFS - Returns a specific field from the Registration User Defined Field table.
ADDTCH - Returns specified field from instructor record.
ADDTIME - Returns time course is held.
ADDWKCODE - Returns workshop codes in which individual is registered for specific course.
ADDWORK - Returns the value of a field in the Workshop Master table.
ADDZIP - Returns specified field from Zip Code database.
CREDEXP - Used in a JUSTDOIT to add Credential records to the report cursor.
FINDINST - Returns specified instructor information for specific course.
GETMEMO - Returns course description or letter body from specified Catalog Builder record.
GRABREG - Returns specified field if student has taken a course which meets stated condition.
SHOWCLAS - Returns quick summary of courses taken for a single individual with the ability to specify courses by date or by course number.
Attendance Tracking (4) ​
CRSATTHRSSUM - Sums Attendance Tracking hours for specified course.
HRSONADATE - Returns the number of hours the course meets on a specific date.
HRSTODATE - Returns the number of hours the course has been held to date.
INDVATTHRSSUM - Sums Attendance Tracking hours for specified registration.
Budget (2) ​
BUDG_EXP - Returns sum of budgeted expenses for specific course.
BUDGPICT - Returns budget data into report.
Codes (11) ​
ADDCODE - Returns specified field from the Choices table.
ADDINT - Returns a Yes/No depending on whether the individual has the specified Interest Code; OR specified field from the Interest Code table.
BIGSTATE - Returns the full state name when passed the state field or state abbreviation.
CODERPT - Returns list of codes based on the value of a demographic field (e.g. zip code, city, etc.).
COUNTCOD - Returns the number of interest codes attached to an individual's Name record.
FINDGRP - "Query" by grouping code from most any registrant report area.
FINDINT - "Query" by interest code from most any registrant report area.
NCRPT - Returns summary information (listing of all codes) for a specified code field from the Names or Register tables for all registrants in a particular course.
QUIKCODE - Returns Description (or chosen field) of the selected code.
SHOGCODE - Returns grouping codes assigned to a course.
SHORTSTATE - Returns the state abbreviation when passed the state name.
SHOWCODE - Returns list of interest codes assigned to an individual.
Counting (26) ​
AGE - Returns the number of years between two dates.
CNTCURFIELD - Used in a JUSTDOIT to count occurrence of a condition (i.e. rgstatus="NOSHOW") in the cursor (and write it to the cursor).
CNTCURS - Counts occurrence of a condition in the cursor (e.g. pytype="3").
COPAYDTL - Returns number of payments per pay type with extended totals per category.
COUNTCOD - Returns the number of interest codes attached to an individual's Name record.
COUNTCX - Returns the number of canceled registrations in a course(s).
COUNTIT - Returns the number of records that meet your specified condition. Used to get a total count from an otherwise unrelated data table.
COUNTNAME - Returns the number of names in each course that match the stated condition.
COUNTNAMEUDFS - Returns the number of registrants in each course that match the stated condition, based on Name UDFs.
COUNTREG - Returns the number of registrations in each course that match the given condition.
COUNTTCH - Returns number of instructors assigned to a course.
COUNTMWK - Returns the number of Master Workshop records set up for the course.
CTNAMEREG - Returns the number of courses taken that meet custom criteria from the REGISTER table and/or COURSE table.
CTWORK - Returns number of workshop in which individual is enrolled for specific course.
GETSQLCOUNT - Returns the number of records that meet the specified criteria.
GRADREPT - Returns count of courses, or sum of hours/ceus for courses taken by a student.
HOWMANY - Returns how many unique values of a specific field are represented in report (e.g. nmcity).
HRSONADATE - Returns the number of hours the course meets on a specific date.
HRSTODATE - Returns the number of hours the course has been held to date.
MATCHREF - Returns number of records in any table that match the specified condition based on a field in the cursor.
NUMSESS - Returns the number of times a class meets per week.
NUMTAUGHT - Returns the total number of course taught by an instructor.
NUMWEEKS - Returns the number of weeks between the first and last date.
RGFEEDIST - Returns fee description, amount, number of people registered with that fee and the amount that fee has generated.
RGHASPAY - Returns number of payment records associated with specific registration.
SHOWPDSTAT - Returns a count of paid or Unpaid registrants from that particular course.
Courses (25) ​
ADDCRSE - Returns specified field from the Course table.
ADDCUDFS - Returns specified field from the Course User Defined Fields table.
ADDCOUNL - Returns a specific field from the Course Unlimited User Defined Field table.
BESTENRL - Returns entry in Group Count field on Master Course record if a number has been entered, otherwise returns the number enrolled in course.
COUNTCX - Returns the number of canceled registrations in a course(s).
COUNTNAME - Returns the number of names in each course that match the stated condition.
COUNTREG - Returns the number of registrations in each course that match the given condition.
FINDINST - Returns specified instructor information for specific course.
GETCEU - Returns the sum of CEUs earned by all registrants in a course.
GETHOUR - Returns the sum of hours generated by registrants in a particular course.
GTCOBAL - Returns the balance due for a particular course.
GTCODUE - Returns revenue generated by a particular course.
GTCODUE3 - Returns total due for a course with multiple options.
GTCODUE4 - Returns income due for specific registrations.
GTCOINVBAL - Returns balance due on invoices assigned to a particular course.
GTCOPAID - Returns total paid for a course.
GTLEDG - Returns expenses for courses.
INVSS - Create queries to search courses for specific characters in specific locations.
LISTSTUD - Returns list of individuals enrolled in course.
QUICKINST - Returns information for first instructor assigned to course.
SHOWEXP - Returns total expenses for a course.
STAMPCRS - Stamps a value in a specified field in the course database for all courses in report.
STAMPCUDF - Stamps a value in a specified field in the course user defined for all names in the report.
STAMPGRP - Stamps a grouping code to all courses in the report. Can also be used to remove a grouping code from course records.
SUMREG - Sum any numeric field from the Registration table for each course in the report.
Course Packaging (3) ​
CPCREATE - For use with Course Packaging Module - enrolls individual in Child courses.
PACKAGES - For use with Course Packaging Module - displays information about child courses in the Course package (as set on the Parent Course).
TOTPACK - Returns total of specified field for all child registrations in a person's course package.
Credentials (6) ​
CREDEXP - Used in a JUSTDOIT to add Credential records to the report cursor.
FINDCRED - "Query" by a person’s Credential Code criteria from any report area that has a reference to Student ID #.
HASCRED - Returns Y if a student has any or a specific credential record (parameter 2).
GETTEST - Returns Credential records.
SHOWTEST - Returns Credential records.
STAMPCRED - Stamps a Credential record for all names in the report.
CRM (2) ​
CRMRPT - Returns summary information for all or selected records from the CRM table for students in particular course.
LISTCRM - Returns all or specified log records from the CRM table.
Date/Time (30) ​
ACEDAY - Returns the Monday of the week of the specified date.
ADDCRDAT - Returns Beginning - Ending date of a course in different formats.
ADDTIME - Returns time course is held.
CDOW - Returns the character day of week for a given date.
CERTDATE - Returns date in formal date format (i.e., 10th day of January, 2015).
CIVTIME - Returns time in civilian format for fields that store time in military format.
CMONTH - Returns the name of the month from the specified date expression.
CTOD - Converts a character date expression to a date expression.
DATE - Returns System Date.
DATELIST - Returns listing of all meeting dates and times for a course.
DATETH - Returns formal format of day with "th", "nd", or "rd".
DOW - Returns the Numeric value (1-7) of the day of week for a given date.
DTOC - Converts a date expression to a character expression.
GETCIV - Returns Civilian time using individual time fields (costhr,costmin,coendhr,coendmin).
HOLIDAY - Returns True if date falls on holiday (i.e. dates entered into Holiday Calendar).
HRSONADATE - Returns the number of hours the course meets on a specific date.
HRSTODATE - Returns the number of hours the course has been held to date.
JUMPMON - Returns date that is the number of months after the month of the date passed.
LOADDATE - Returns specific session dates for use in Attendance Rosters.
MEETDATES - Returns the month and dates of a course.
MONTH - Returns the numeric month for a given date expression.
NICEDATE - Returns formatted dates.
NICETIME - Returns the time only from the course time field.
NUMSESS - Returns the number of times a class meets per week.
PADCDOW - Returns the day of the week padded on the right side to the specified amount.
SHOHDATE - Returns list of holidays (as defined in Holiday Calendar) within a range of dates.
SHOWDOW - Returns the days of the week a class meets (the record is saved as "_X_XX_X" and is translated to: M W H S).
TIME - Returns System (current) Time.
TRIMDATE - Returns date field in different character expression formats.
YEAR - Returns the year from the specified date expression.
Email (4) ​
DOEMAIL - Opens the Mass Email Wizard to send an email to everyone in the report.
MERGMAIL - Opens the Mass Merge Email Wizard to send an email to everyone in the report using the selected email template.
SHOUPCLS - Returns a list of upcoming courses. This function was designed for use by MERGMAIL to email list to individuals.
SHOUPCLSREC - For Email Receipts: returns a list of upcoming courses, excluding the course(s) in which student is enrolled.
Export Data (9) ​
CAT2XML - Used in a JUSTAFTER to export Catalog data into an XML file.
COPY2XLS - Used in a JUSTAFTER to export fields from a report into an Excel file.
DBXTRACT - Export records associated with courses in cursor to an external location.
DEADDUMP Used in a JUSTDOIT to export a specified set of fields to a file.
FIRMEXP - Export a set of firms from FIRM table in the specified format.
MEMOEXP - Exports all fields in a report cursor, including memo field contents, into a text file. Note: will not preserve line breaks in memo fields.
NAMEEXP - Export a set of names from the Names table to an external file in the specified format.
PREFEXP - Export a set of names with their preferred address from the Names table in the specified format a PREFERRED set of field names from the Names Table.
SHORTCAT - Used in a JUSTDOIT to select a limited set of data fields (excluding fields which may contain HTML) to put into a Catalog Export Report so that the MEMOEXP function can be used.
Extending Queries (12) ​
FINDGRP - "Query" by grouping code from most any registrant report area.
FINDINT - "Query" by interest code from most any registrant report area.
GRADCRED - Returns individuals who have completed a specific # of credits/hours.
GRADCRED2 - Returns individuals who have completed a specific # of credits/hours.
GRADSPEC - Returns individuals who have taken required courses.
GRADSPEC2 - Returns individuals who have taken required courses.
GRPSTUD - Returns list of individuals in a registration group.
INVSS - Create queries to search courses for specific characters in specific locations.
RANDPICK - Returns a pseudo random (the same every time ran) number of names/records from a report.
RANDPICK2 - Returns a truly random (different every time) number of names/records from a report.
TEACHERWAS - This is a Wizard, called by a JUSTDOIT that reports student names who attended class(es) taught by a specific instructor(s).
ZIPRADIUS - Used in JUSTDOITs to only return people within a radius of a specified zip code.
Fees (12) ​
ADDFEE - Returns specified field from Fees tables based on course code.
ADDFEE2 - Returns the descriptions and/or amounts of Optional charges for specific registrations.
ADDOPT - Returns list of Additional/Optional fees for a single registration.
BASEFEE - Returns primary fee for course (first Course Fee entered in Course Master Record).
FEEDETL - Returns information about specific additional/optional fee for a registration.
FEETOTS - Returns number enrolled and amount charged per Course Fee category.
GETFEE - Returns the dollar amount for a specific main registration fee set up in the Master Course record (Course > Fees).
GTFEESUM - Returns sum of Additional/Optional Fees for specific course.
HASOPT - Returns true/false based on whether registration has optional fees assessed.
RGFEEDIST - Returns fee description, amount, number of people registered with that fee and the amount that fee has generated.
SHOWFEES - Returns all fees defined for a particular course.
SHOWOPTS - Returns all Optional fees for course, counts for each fee, and total fees collected.
Financial Aid (6) ​
ADDFINAID - Returns specified field from the master Financial Aid table.
AVAILFINAID - Calculates the total amount of individual's unused Financial Aid, with the option to select/restrict award type.
FASHOWDRAW - Returns the amount of a draw for a Financial Aid award.
GETCRSEAID - Calculates the amount registrants in the course were awarded between two dates and by type.
GETFINAID - Calculates the amount individual was awarded between two dates and by type.
SHOWFINAID - Calculates the amount of financial aid the individual has received.
Formatting (35) ​
These functions are used to format data:
ADDCRDAT - Returns Beginning - Ending date of a course in different formats.
ADDTIME - Returns time course is held.
BIGSTATE - Returns the full state name when passed the state field or state abbreviation.
CERTDATE - Returns date in formal date format (i.e., 10th day of January, 2003).
CIVTIME - Returns time in civilian format for fields that store time in military format.
CSZR - Returns nicely formatted city, state, zip code (i.e. City, ST Zip).
CTOD - Converts a character date expression to a date expression.
DATETH - Returns formal format of day with "th", "nd", or "rd".
DTOC - Converts a date expression to a character expression.
FULLCENT - Rounds fractions of a penny up to next FULL cent.
INTLPHON - Returns formatted phone number for US names and unformatted number for International names.
NAMER - Returns formatted Name.
NAMERXT - Returns formatted Name with extended salutations using ShowSal.
NICEDATE - Returns formatted dates.
NICELOC - Returns course location information.
NICETIME - Translates military time into civilian time.
NUM2FRACTION - Returns a decimal number as a fraction (string format).
NUM2STR - Returns a number as a character string.
NUMNODEC - Returns a numeric field value in character format, without decimal places.
PADR,L,C - Returns the specified expression padded on the right, left, or both sides.
PRETTYNUM - Removes trailing 0 decimals from specified numeric field. For use on Certificate reports.
ROUND - Rounds a numeric expression to the nearest value, depending on the number of specified decimals.
SHORTSTATE - Returns the state abbreviation when passed the state name.
SHOWDOW - Returns the days of the week a class meets (the record is saved as "_X_XX_X" and is translated to: M W H S).
SHOWPHON - Returns formatted phone number.
SHOWSAL - Expands abbreviated salutations stored in the NMSALUT field.
SHOWSSN - Returns formatted ID #.
SHOWTF - Returns the value of a logical field as Yes/No or True/False.
STR - Converts numeric value to a character expression for creating long character strings or character comparisons.
STRIPHTML - Removes HTML coding from a field.
TNAMER - Returns formatted Instructor Name.
TRANSFORM - Converts date and numeric data to character strings.
TRIM - Trims spaces off the end of a character expression.
TRIMDATE - Returns date field in different character expression formats.
UPPER - Returns the specified character type field in uppercase.
VAL - Converts character expression which contains a number to its numeric value so it can be used in calculations.
Income/Expenses (31) ​
These functions return due/paid/balance/expense amounts:
ADDGRPAY - Returns payments for registration group with payment totals per receipt number.
CRSEINC - Returns income for a course.
DEADBEAT - Returns balance due for individual for all classes taken.
GRPGTBAL - Returns total balance due for all registrations in a given group.
GRPGTDUE - Returns total due for all registrations in a given group.
GRPGTPAID - Returns total paid for all registrations in a given group.
GTACCTPD - Returns total paid for an account number.
GTADD - Returns total dollar amount of all optional fees for a single registration.
GTBAL - Returns the balance due for a particular registration.
GTCOBAL - Returns the balance due for a particular course.
GTCODUE - Returns revenue generated by a particular course.
GTCODUE3 - Returns total due for a course with multiple options.
GTCODUE4 - Returns income due for specific registrations.
GTCOINVBAL - Returns balance due on invoices assigned to a particular course.
GTCOPAID - Returns total paid for a course.
GTDUE - Returns total amount due for a particular registration.
GTFEESUM - Returns sum of Additional/Optional Fees for specific course.
GTINVBAL - Returns total amount due for specific invoice.
GTINVDUE - Returns total amount due for specific invoice.
GTINVPAID - Returns total amount paid for a specific invoice.
GTINVSTAT - Returns the total amount due, paid, or balance due for specified invoice.
GTLEDG - Returns expenses for courses.
GTPAID - Returns total amount paid for a particular registration.
INVDETL - Returns the details of all invoices for a specified individual.
PAY1099 - Returns the sum of payments to an instructor.
RGINVBAL - Returns the total balance due for a given registration for a specific invoice number.
RGINVPD - Returns the total paid for a given registration for a specific invoice number.
SHOWEXP - Returns total expenses for a course.
SHOWPAID - Returns the amount paid to courses in report.
TKCOST - Returns costs associated with a particular tracking code.
TKINCOME - Returns income generated for a particular tracking code.
Instructors (12) ​
ADDTCH - Returns specified field from instructor record (can only be used in Faculty reporting area).
CLSTEACH - Returns field from the Instructor/Linkinst table or the total amount of payments for instructors for a particular course.
COUNTTCH - Returns number of instructors assigned to a course.
FINDINST - Returns specified instructor information for specific course.
INSTCONF - Returns a list of courses with instructor time conflicts.
NUMTAUGHT - Returns the total number of course taught by an instructor.
PAY1099 - Returns the sum of payments to an instructor.
PAYDESC - Returns instructor pay type and pay rate in Faculty Contract Reports.
PAYTOT - Returns faculty pay for an instructor's specific teaching assignment.
QUICKINST - Returns information for first instructor assigned to course.
STAMPTCH - Stamps a value in a specified field in the Faculty table for all instructors in the report.
TEACHERWAS - This is a Wizard, called by a JUSTDOIT that reports student names who attended class(es) taught by a specific instructor(s).
TNAMER - Returns formatted Instructor Name.
Invoices (10) ​
GTCOINVBAL - Returns balance due on invoices assigned to a particular course.
GTINVBAL - Returns total amount due for specific invoice.
GTINVDUE - Returns total amount due for specific invoice.
GTINVPAID - Returns total amount paid for a specific invoice.
GTINVSTAT - Returns the total amount due, paid, or balance due for specified invoice.
INVDETL - Returns the details of all invoices for a specified individual.
INVSUM - Returns the details for invoices for a particular person.
PYWASINV - Returns True if the payment was applied to an invoice.
RGINVBAL - Returns the total balance due for a given registration for a specific invoice number.
RGINVPD - Returns the total paid for a given registration for a specific invoice number.
Listing (23) ​
ADDFEE - Returns Registration Fees and/or Additional/Optional Charges for a specific course.
ADDGRPAY - Returns payments for a group of registrations with payment totals per receipt number.
ADDOPT - Returns list of Additional/Optional fees for a single registration.
CODERPT - Returns list of codes based on the value of a demographic field (Mini –Stats).
CRMRPT - Returns summary information for records from the CRM log file for a specific student.
CUSTWKCD - Returns list of workshops from all courses in which single registrant is enrolled.
DATELIST - Returns listing of all meeting dates and times for a course.
GRPSTUD - Returns list of individuals in a registration group.
LISTCRM - Returns all or specified log records from the CRM table.
LISTSTUD - Returns list of individuals enrolled in course.
LISTWORK - Returns specified workshop information from individual's registration.
NAMEGRP - Returns the list of names in a name group.
NCRPT - Returns summary information for a specified code field from the Names or Register tables for all registrants in a particular course.
PACKAGES - Displays information about child courses in the Course package.
SHOHDATE - Returns list of holidays (as defined in Holiday Calendar) within a range of dates.
SHOUPCLS - Returns a list of upcoming courses.
SHOUPCLSREC - Returns list of upcoming courses, excluding the one(s) in which student is enrolled.
SHOWCODE - Returns list of interest codes assigned to an individual.
SHOWDUPE - Reports duplicate records (Pick a table, pick a field.. Show the dups).
SHOWMEMB - Returns Memberships assigned to an individual.
SHOWWKMS - Returns a listing of Master Workshops set up for course.
SHOWWORK - Returns workshops taken by particular registrant, with options to select specific fields.
TEACHERWAS - Enter instructor name(s), and return the students who took classes from that instructor.
Locations (3) ​
ADDLOC - Returns the specified field from the Location table based on course code.
ADDLOC2 - Returns specified field from Location table based on room ID code.
NICELOC - Returns course location information.
Names (33) ​
ADDFIRM - Returns specified field from the Firms Table (based on the Name ID).
ADDFIRM2 - Returns specified field from the Firms Table based on the Instructor Firm ID.
ADDINT - Returns a Yes/No depending on whether the individual has the specified Interest Code; OR specified field from the Interest Code table.
ADDNAME - Returns specified field from the Names Table.
ADDNMUNL - Returns a specific field from the Names Unlimited User Defined Field table.
ADDNUDFS - Returns specified field from the Name User Defined Fields table.
AGECL - Returns the person's Age Group.
BIGSTATE - Returns the full state name when passed the state field or state abbreviation.
COUNTCOD - Returns the number of interest codes attached to an individual's Name record.
COUNTNAME - Returns the number of names in each course that match the stated condition.
CREDEXP - Used in a JUSTDOIT to add Credential records to the report cursor.
GETTEST - Returns Credential records.
LASTCLAS - Returns date or detail about the last course in which individual has enrolled.
MAILXPAND - Create multiple address labels for a specific firm with specified position titles.
NAMER - Returns formatted Name.
NAMERXT - Returns formatted Name with extended salutations using ShowSal.
NAMEGRP - Returns the list of names in a name group.
NOSTATE - Returns states not represented based on firms in the report.
PREFADDR - Returns Preferred Mail Address if using the Preferred Address field (nmprefer).
RANDPICK - Returns a pseudo random (the same every time ran) number of names/records from a report.
RANDPICK2 - Returns a truly random (different every time) number of names/records from a report.
RGHASPAY - Returns number of payment records associated with specific registration.
SHORTSTATE - Returns the state abbreviation when passed the state name.
SHOWPDSTAT - Returns a count of paid or Unpaid registrants from that particular course.
SEEFIRM - Returns the Firm Name--IF--nmprefer does not equal "H".
SEETITLE - Returns the Title--IF--nmprefer does not equal "H".
SHOWDOCS - Returns Additional Documents information for specified student.
SHOWMEMB - Returns Memberships assigned to an individual.
SHOWSAL - Expands abbreviated salutations stored in the NMSALUT field.
SHOWSSN - Returns formatted ID #.
SHOWTEST - Returns Credential records.
STAMPINT - Stamps an interest code to all names in a report. Can also be used to remove an interest code from name records.
STAMPNAME - Stamps a value in a specified field in the Names table for all names in a report.
STAMPNUDF - Stamps a value in a specified name User Defined Field (UDF) for all names in the report.
Payments (28) ​
ADDAPAY - Returns specified field from Pay table for a specific payment.
ADDGRPAY - Returns payments for registration group with payment totals per receipt number.
ADDPAY - Returns specified field from Payment table based on a particular registration.
COPAYDTL - Returns number of payments per pay type with extended totals per category.
FASHOWDRAW - Returns the amount of a draw for a Financial Aid award.
GETCBUCK - Returns sum of all payments for all registrations for a single individual.
GETCRSEAID - Calculates the amount registrants in the course were awarded between two dates and by type.
GETFINAID - Calculates the amount individual was awarded between two dates and by type.
GRPGTPAID - Returns total paid for all registrations in a given group.
GTACCTPD - Returns total paid for an account number.
GTCOPAID - Returns total paid for a course.
GTINVPAID - Returns total amount paid for a specific invoice.
GTPAID - Returns total amount paid for a particular registration.
LASTPAY - Returns last payment made to a registration, so a receipt can be printed for that payment only.
NETPAY - Returns net amount of payment for a receipt #.
ORGPAY - Returns information from the original payment in refund reporting.
OTHPAYER - Returns third party payer information (if any) for a particular payment.
PAYCOMB - Returns all payment records associated with Pocket Ledger records.
PAYTYPE - Returns the character description of payment type.
PYWASINV - Returns True if the payment was applied to an invoice.
RCPTINFO - Returns payor information for particular payment unless pay type is credit card, then returns credit card number and expiration date.
RCTTPAY - Returns payment information for payment group.
RGHASPAY - Returns number of payment records associated with specific registration.
RGINVPD - Returns the total paid for a given registration for a specific invoice number.
SHOWPAID - Returns the amount paid to courses in report.
SHOWPDSTAT - Returns a count of paid or Unpaid registrants from that particular course.
WHOPAY - Returns Payor Name/Billing Detail on Receipts and Invoices.
WHORECT - Returns name and address for a specific receipt number--OR--sum of all payments for a specific receipt.
Pocket Ledger (3) ​
GTLEDG - Returns expenses for courses.
PAYCOMB - Returns all payment records associated with Pocket Ledger records.
SHOWEXP - Returns total expenses for a course.
Registrations (27) ​
ADDREG - Returns specified field from Register table.
ADDRGUNL - Returns a specific field from the Register Unlimited User Defined Field table.
ADDRUDFS - Returns specified field from the Registration User Defined Field table.
CLSHIST - Used in a JUSTDOIT to show the registration history (adds the registrations to the cursor) of all students in the transcript report.
CONFCERT - Stamps a date into Registration Cert Date field for all registrants in report.
CONFIRM - Stamps a date into the Registration Confirm field for all registrants in report.
COUNTREG - Returns the number of registrations in each course that match the given condition.
FILBLANK - Used in JUSTDOITs to add 5 blank lines at the end of a roster report (for "walk-in" registrations).
GRABREG - Returns specified field if student has taken a course which meets stated condition.
GRADCRED - Returns individuals who have completed a specific # of credits/hours.
GRADCRED2 - Returns individuals who have completed a specific # of credits/hours.
GRADSPEC - Returns individuals who have taken required courses.
GRADSPEC2 - Returns individuals who have taken required courses.
GRPSTUD - Returns list of individuals in a registration group.
GTADD - Returns total dollar amount of all optional fees for a single registration.
GTBAL - Returns the balance due for a particular registration.
GTDUE - Returns total amount due for a particular registration.
GTPAID - Returns total amount paid for a particular registration.
HASCLASS - Returns True if a student has taken a course which meets stated condition.
HASCOURSE - Returns either number of courses or a logical (.t. or Yes) which meet the criteria.
QTYPTCAL - When using Credit Hours; returns Quality Points for individual (no points given for 'F' or 'I' ).
RGINVBAL - Returns the total balance due for a given registration for a specific invoice number.
RGINVPD - Returns the total paid for a given registration for a specific invoice number.
ROSTXPAND - Adds a record to the report cursor for each seat on a registration. This function is meant to be used in Name tags and Rosters.
SHOWCLAS - Returns quick summary of courses taken for a single individual with the ability to specify courses by date or by course number.
STAMPRUDF - Stamps a value in a specified registration User Defined Field (UDF) for all registrants in the report.
SUMREG - Sum any numeric field from the Registration table for each course in the report.
Room Use (2) ​
CHKRM - Returns Room Conflicts for specified course.
FILLCAL - Create a room use calendar for courses.
Special Use (26) ​
AT - Searches character/memo fields for the specified text string.
BETWEEN - Determines whether the value of an expression lies between the values of two other expressions of the same data type.
CHR - Returns the character value of ASCII character number.
DECRYP - Un-encrypts NMCODE2 and/or INSSN in reports.
DOCHART - Opens the Chart Wizard to create a chart from the report data.
EMPTY - Returns logical .T. if expression is empty, .F. if expression is not empty.
FILLBLANK - Used in JUSTDOITs to add 5 blank lines at the end of a roster report (for "walk-in" registrations).
GETDATA - Opens a message box in which you can enter a temporary message to be used in a report.
GETMEMO - Returns course description or letter body from specified Catalog Builder record.
IIF - Returns values depending on the condition given.
JUSTAFTER - Run a special function or program at the conclusion of the report.
JUSTDOIT - Passes a SQL statements to reports which runs prior to report generation.
LEN - Returns the length (number of characters) in a particular character string (field or text).
MAILXPAND - Create multiple address labels for a specific firm with specified position titles.
MAPPING - Used in a JUSTAFTER to display addresses on an interactive map in the Internet Explorer web browser.
MASSSMS - Opens the Mass SMS window to send an SMS to everyone in the report using the selected SMS template.
PREFADDR - Returns Preferred Mail Address if using the Preferred Address field (nmprefer).
RIGHT - Returns the specified number of rightmost characters from a character string.
SHOWDUPE - Reports duplicate records.
STRIPHTML - Removes HTML coding from a field.
STRTRAN - Replaces each occurrence of the specified character string with another character string.
SUBSTR - Returns a portion of a character string.
SWAPVAL - Replace a field in any table with a specified value, or another field's value, for all records in a report cursor.
WHAZZIS - Used in a report header to display the query value used to generate the report.
WHOSTHIS - Return information from the Security table for the User who created or last modified record.
ZIPRADIUS - Used in JUSTDOITs to only return people within a radius of a specified zip code.
Stamp Data (15) ​
These functions stamp a value in a specified field:
CONFCERT - Stamps a date into Registration Cert Date field for all registrants in report.
CONFIRM - Stamps a date into the Registration Confirm field for all registrants in report.
SAVE2CAT - Saves a text message to a catalog record.
STAMPCRED - Stamps a Credential record for all names in the report.
STAMPCRS - Stamps a value in a specified field in the course database for all courses in report.
STAMPCUDF - Stamps a value in a specified field in the course user defined for all names in the report.
STAMPGRP - Stamps a grouping code to all courses in the report. Can also be used to remove a grouping code from course records.
STAMPINT - Stamps an interest code to all names in a report. Can also be used to remove an interest code from name records.
STAMPNAME - Stamps a value in a specified field in the Names table for all names in a report.
STAMPNUDF - Stamps a value in a specified name User Defined Field (UDF) for all names in the report.
STAMPRUDF - Stamps a value in a specified registration User Defined Field (UDF) for all registrants in the report.
STAMPUNL - Stamps a value in a specified Unlimited UDF field in the specified UUDF table.
STAMPTCH - Stamps a value in a specified field in the Faculty table for all instructors in the report.
STAMPWORK - Stamps a value in a specified field in the individual workshop record for all workshops in the report.
SWAPVAL - Replace a field in any table with a specified value, or another field's value, for all records in a report cursor.
Summing (10) ​
CURSINC - Returns the grand total of a field in the cursor at the beginning of the report.
CURSSUM - Returns sum of any numeric field in the cursor.
GETCBUCK - Returns sum of all payments for all registrations for a single individual.
GETCEU - Returns the sum of CEUs earned by all registrants in a course.
GETHOUR - Returns the sum of hours generated by registrants in a particular course.
NETPAY - Returns net amount of payments for a receipt #.
PAY1099 - Returns the sum of payments to an instructor.
SUMREG - Sum any numeric field from the Registration table for each course in the report.
SUMWHAT - Returns the sum of a numeric variable from an external file.
SUMWORK - Sum CEUs or hours from individual workshop records.
UDFs (12) ​
Regular UDFs (8) ​
ADDCUDFS - Returns specified field from the Course User Defined Fields table.
ADDLABEL - Returns the text label of a specific user defined field.
ADDNUDFS - Returns a specific field from the Name user defined fields table.
ADDRUDFS - Returns a specific field from the Registration User Defined Field table.
COUNTNAMEUDFS - Returns the number of registrants in each course that match the stated condition, based on Name UDFs.
STAMPCUDF - Stamps a value in a specified field in the course user defined for all names in the report.
STAMPNUDF - Stamps a value in a specified name User Defined Field (UDF) for all names in the report.
STAMPRUDF - Stamps a value in a specified registration User Defined Field (UDF) for all registrants in the report.
Unlimited UDFs (4) ​
ADDCOUNL - Returns a specific field from the Course Unlimited User Defined Field table.
ADDNMUNL - Returns a specific field from the Names Unlimited User Defined Field table.
ADDRGUNL - Returns a specific field from the Register Unlimited User Defined Field table.
STAMPUNL - Stamps a value in a specified Unlimited UDF field in the specified UUDF table.
Workshops (14) ​
ADDWKCODE - Returns workshop codes in which individual is registered for specific course.
ADDWORK - Returns specified field from the Workshop Master table.
COUNTMWK - Returns the number of Master Workshop records set up for the course.
CTWORK - Returns number of workshop in which individual is enrolled for specific course.
CURSWORK - Returns selected information about workshops included in the query.
CUSTWKCD - Returns workshops from multiple courses in which single registrant is enrolled.
LISTWORK - Returns specified workshop information from individual's registration.
QUIKWORK - Returns information about workshops in which an individual is registered.
SELEWORK - Returns workshop information in student schedules for courses with workshops.
SELEWORK2 - Returns workshop information in student schedules for courses with workshops with the option to return a fixed length field.
SHOWWKMS - Returns a listing of Master Workshops set up for course.
SHOWWORK - Returns workshops taken by particular registrant, with or without instructor name and options to select specific fields.
STAMPWORK - Stamps a value in a specified field in the individual workshop record for all workshops in the report.
SUMWORK - Sum CEUs or hours from individual workshop records.