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Returns sum of income/expenses that have been reported in Pocket Ledger for courses in the report.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Pocket Ledger, Courses

Required Parameters ​

  1. Cost Center Code (ldcode, cocrse)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Logical .t. returns sum of income, .f. returns sum of expenses
  2. Logical .t. returns sum of projected, .f. returns sum of actual
  3. Character return value: report sum for specific Expense Code (i.e. "1000", "8001")
  4. Character return value: report sum for specific Account code (i.e. "26-1130", "26-0001")

Example(s) ​

GTLEDG(ldcode) returns sum of expenses for specific course

GTLEDG(ldcode,.t.) returns sum of income for specific course

GTLEDG(ldcode,.f.,.f.,"8001") returns sum of expenses with expense classification code of '8001'

Notes ​

Available only with Pocket Ledger module.