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Invoice Selecting/Grouping Criteria ​

When running the New Invoice routine, the system uses your entries in the billing type payment records to determine what billing records are included and which ones are grouped together and placed on an invoice.

Selecting Billing Records ​

The system selects billing records to be included in the New Invoices routine based on these criteria:

Type is Billing

  1. Payment Type - a payment record exists with the payment type of Billing.
  2. Billing Date - the date of the Billing record is on or before the system date. The system will not include billing records which are supposed to be billed at a future date (i.e. the Billing Date field is later than the day you're running the new invoices).
  3. Invoice Number - the Receipt Number field is empty (the billing record has not previously been assigned an invoice number).

Grouping Billings ​

The system determines which billings are grouped together and assigned to a specific invoice based on waht is entered in Payer Details:

Billing Record Payer Details

  1. P.O. # Number entries must match exactly to be included on the same invoice. For example, if you have 2 billings for ACEware Systems, Inc. and you've entered a P.O. # number for only 1 of the billings, the system will place the billings on 2 separate invoices.
  2. Payer Name entries must match exactly for them to be included on the same invoice. For example, the following entries would be seen as 3 different payers, and the system would place the billings on 3 separate invoices.

ACEware Systems, Inc.

ACEware Systems,  Inc. (i.e. 2 spaces are between comma and Inc.)

ACEware Systems

  1. Attention entries must match exactly to be included on the same invoice. For example, the following would be placed on separate invoices--even if the Payer Name is the same:

World Headquarters

World  Headquarters (i.e. 2 spaces are between World and Headquarters)

World HQ