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One-Time Coupons ​

Allow ACEweb registrants to use one-time coupons for a course in a given term (registrant can use the coupon discount on one course only in the given term).

To enable the one-time coupon feature:

  1. Set the OneTimeCoupon INI setting to ON.
  2. Set the One-time coupon code settings on the Pay Preferences tab.

  • Coupon Code to Use: the coupon code the user will enter to receive the discount.
  • Coupon Amount: discount user will receive. This must be entered as a negative value. E.g. -10.00 if they will $10 off; enter -0.10 if they will will 10% off.
  • Coupon Description: the fee description that will be entered on the registration record, in the Additional Charges window, for the coupon discount.
  • Course Code Begins: enter a value to restrict the coupon use to specific courses only. E.g. in the above example, users will only receive the discount on the first course they enroll in that starts with 12S.

Pre-Fill Coupon Code on Enrollment Cart ​

If you want the coupon code to be pre-entered for the user, enter ##pcCouponPreFill## into the value of the txtCoupon input tag on XEnrollCard.htm e.g.:

<input type="text" name="txtCoupon" id="txtCoupon" value="##pcCouponPreFill##" size="12" tabindex="50" /\>

The coupon code will be pre-entered into the field when the users adds a qualifying course to the Cart: