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Complete HTML Template Listing ​

The following is a list of all HTML Templates (.awp, .htm, and .wcs types) which are currently used by ACEweb.

ACE folder (wconnect/ace) ​

  • AccountStatus.awp - pay outstanding balances online.

  • Active.htm - Active Courses page displayed when users click the Active Courses button on the Registration History page.

  • AdvancedSearch.awp - advanced search for courses page displayed when users click the Advanced Search link.

  • Attachments.awp - upload documents to a Student Manager folder for a specific user. Attachments is accessed by a link on the person.awp template.

  • AttendTrack.awp - page displayed to instructors who have access to record session attendance (optional module).

  • AWActivity.htm - Site Activity template.

  • AWCleanup.htm - ACEweb Cleanup Options page.  This is an administrator page--no editing is necessary.

  • AWCompiler.htm - page to compile supporting files used for .awp type pages.

  • AWGUI.htm - Interface Manager page to change your logo and/or web site colors.  This is an administrator page--no editing is necessary.

  • AWINI.htm - ACEweb.ini Entries page displayed when an administrator clicks the Edit ACEweb.INI Settings link on the ACEweb Administration Page.  This is an administrator page--no editing is necessary.

  • AWTXT.htm - ACEweb Custom Phrasebook page displayed when the administrator clicks the Custom Text Options link on the ACEweb Administration Page.  This is an administrator page--no editing is necessary.

  • BlockedReg.wcs - Blocked Registration message page displayed when blocked user tries to add a course to the Enrollment Cart.

  • BonusDeal.awp - used with the optional BOGO feature to display discount details on the Cart page.

  • Calendar.htm - used with the optional Calendar module for the Student Calendar page.

  • CatLinks.htm - Prerequisite Notice page that opens when the user clicks the Prerequisites link on XCourseStatus.htm.

  • ChangePwd.htm - Change Your Password page displayed when users wish to change their password.  You may want to place your organization's Password Guidelines on this page (i.e. how long the password should be, etc.).

  • ClassRoster.htm - class roster page displayed when an instructor clicks a Course Code link on the All Classes page (i.e. instclasslist.htm).  Table contents is determined by RosterFields setting in ACEweb.ini.

  • Completed.htm - Completed Courses page displayed when users click the Completed Courses button on the Registration History page. Table contents is determined by TranscriptFields INI setting in ACEweb.ini.

  • ContactUs.htm - lists your organization's contact information such as phone numbers, hours of operation, email address, physical address, map link, etc.

  • Coupons.htm - text messages displayed on the XCourseStatus.htm and Xenrollcard.htm pages for courses that have coupon discounts.  You may want to edit the text messages.

  • CourseProposal.awp - course proposal page displayed to instructors who are submitting a course proposal.

  • Credentials.awp - view/add/edit credential records. Credentials is accessed by a link on Person.awp template.

  • Current.htm - Current Registration Status page displayed when users click the Upcoming Courses button on the Registration History page.  Table contents is determined by RegStatusFields INI setting in ACEweb.ini.

  • CustomRegister.htm - checkout page used by redirect payment services. Page is displayed when user clicks the Proceed to Checkout button on the Enrollment Cart. Only edit this template if instructed to by your ACEware technician.

  • DebugViewer.awp - used when viewing the debug log if DebugFlag INI is set to TABLE:

  • ECTable.htm - ectable template used by XEnrollCard.htm to build the Enrollment Cart table listing courses that have been added to the Enrollment Cart.  You can edit this to add/remove course information fields from the Enrollment Card table.

  • FAQ.htm - lists answers to user's frequently asked questions.  You will want to edit this to reflect your organization's policies (e.g. logon requirements, cancellation policy, etc.).

  • FeeBreakdown.htm - An alternate Fee Breakdown page that can contain custom messages for particular courses.

  • GradeBook.awp - Grade Book editing page displayed to instructors.

  • HaltWarning.htm - Generic warning message displayed to users when the registration process fails.

  • Home.htm - the main ACEweb Home page. You can edit this to reflect the design of your other web sites.

  • InstInfo.wcs - Custom Instructor Information page displayed when users click the Instructor link on the Course Status page.  This page will show multiple instructors in a course.  Note:  the Instructor link will only be available if the organization has the ShowInstructor INI setting set to ON.  Table contents is determined by InstructorFields setting in ACEweb.ini.

  • InstLookup.htm - Lookup Courses by Instructor page displayed to users if the organization is using the Instructor Course List option.

  • Instructor.htm - Instructor Access Links page for instructors to logon and view course information and course rosters--IF--the organization allows instructors to access this information.

  • Interests.htm - edit Interest Areas page linked from person.awp page.

  • InvoiceStatus.awp - used to pay invoices online.

  • LinkAsync.htm - Online Course Links page displayed when users click the Async Course Links button on the Registration Status page (i.e. regstatreq.htm).  Table contents is determined by AsyncFields setting in ACEweb.ini.

  • LocInfo.htm - deprecated template used to show location information with old-style course status templates.

  • LocLookup.htm - Lookup Courses by Location page displayed to users if the organization is using the Location Course List option.

  • LookupID.htm - Look Up Student Id page displayed when users click the Forgot ID? link.

  • LookupInstPWD.htm - Look Up Instructor Password page displayed when instructor clicks the Forgot Password? link.

  • LookupPWD.htm - Look Up Student Password page displayed when users click the Forgot Password? link.

  • MajorGroups.htm - Course Groups page displayed when users click the See Our Current course of Courses link on the ACEweb Home page (i.e. home.htm)--IF--the organization is using the 2-level Course Grouping option.

  • MercWarning.htm - warning messages displayed to users who try to add courses in different merchant accounts to their Cart.

  • Meter.htm - Progress Meter explanation page which opens when user click the What's This? link.

  • Minimal.htm - Header/Footer page used by some of the ACEweb message dialog and quick entry pages. You'll want to edit this to place your logos, text, etc. in the Header and Footer sections.

  • OptOut.htm - Remove Me from Email list page displayed when users selects the Opt Out option.

  • Package1.awp - used with optional Course Packaging module to display child courses information for Package 1 type courses.

  • Package2.awp - used with optional Course Packaging module to display child courses information for Package 2 type courses.

  • PreReqs.htm - used to display users' registrations that meet prerequisite courses.

  • Person.awp - Person.awp page displayed when users add new accounts or edit existing account info.

  • ProxyReg.awp - Proxy Registration ID page which displays when user clicks the Enroll Someone Else button on XCourseStatus.htm for the user to select someone to enroll.

  • ProxyRegMulti.awp - Proxy Registration ID page which displays when user clicks the Enroll Someone Else button on XCourseStatus.htm for the user to select multiple people to enroll.

  • Publish.htm - page displayed when user clicks the What's This link next to the Publish my name in the Who's Attending list field on the Enrollment Cart (used in the Who Else is Enrolled option).  You will need to edit this page to reflect your own policies.

  • RegConfirm.htm - Registration Completed page displayed when registration/payment process is complete.

  • Register.htm - deprecated page used by regular Payment services (non-redirect services) displayed when users click the Proceed to Checkout button on the Enrollment Cart page.  Organizations may need to edit the Credit Card options (i.e. add/remove accepted credit cards from the list).

  • Search.htm - page that displays course lookup options to users.

  • SearchLog.awp - SearchLog page displayed to administrators running the Search log report.

  • SendFriend.wcs - Tell a Friend about this Course page displayed when users click the Tell a Friend about this Course link allowing user to send the course information to other interested parties--IF--the organization is using the Tell a Friend about this Course option.

  • Sessions.htm - page displayed when users clicks the [#] Sessions link on the Course Status page.

  • ShowGroups.htm - Course Group page displayed when users click the Current Courses link on the ACEweb Home page (i.e. home.htm)--IF--the organization is using the Course Grouping option.

  • ShowTranStatus.htm - Registration Status Request page displayed when users click the My History link.  This page allows users to view a list of their upcoming, completed, and (if applicable) online courses.

  • SiteMap.htm - basic site map containing all ACEweb links.  You will want to remove links to options that you don't use.

  • StaffCalendar.htm - used with the optional Calendar module for the Staff Calendar page.

  • Standard.htm - foundation template with Header/Footer page used by most of the ACEweb templates.  You can place your own logos, text, etc. in the Header and Footer sections.

  • SubGroups.htm - displayed when users click one of the Group links on the Course Groups page.  This page is only displayed when the organization is using the 2-level Course Grouping option.

  • SuggestCourse.awp - SuggestCourse.awp page displayed to user when selecting the Suggest Course option.

  • Teaching.awp - Users can submit a request to become an instructor. Information is emailed to the staff member(s) set in OfficeEmail INI.

  • TemplateManager.awp - Templatemanager.awp page displayed to administrator using the Template Manager.

  • Uploader.awp - page displayed to administrator using the Template Manager.

  • UserID.htm - logon section text. UserLogon.htm displays the correct section from this page according to your UserIDSource INI setting. You may want to edit the text messages.  No links or template tags should be removed from this page.

  • UserLogon.htm - Page displayed to users when selecting a Log On link; or when logging out of ACEweb. Logon fields section comes from UserID.htm.

  • Wait.htm - Wait page displayed while transaction is processing telling the user not to stop the process (i.e. click the Back button, select another URL, etc.).

  • WaitList.htm - page displayed when user is successfully added to a course waitlist (if you are allowing waitlisting).

  • WLInit.htm - course closed page displayed when user clicks the Add Your Name to Waiting List for this Course button.  Tells the user how many are already on the Waitlist and asks them to confirm that they want to add themselves to the Waitlist.

  • Workshops.htm - Workshop Listing page displayed when users click the Workshop Listing link on the Course Status page.

  • XCourseStatus.htm - Course Information page displayed when users clicks a Course Code link on the Course Listing page.  From this page, users add the course to their Enrollment Cart.  Information can be added/removed from this page to meet your organization's needs (i.e. CEUS, Hours, links to location and instructor, additional Catalog fields, etc.).

  • XEnrollCard.htm - Enrollment Cart page displayed when user adds a course to their Enrollment Cart (enroll yourself button).

  • XPackageStatus.htm - used with optional Course Packaging module to display parent and child course information when users clicks the package link on the Course Listing pageCourse Packaging Module.

  • XPerson.awp - page displayed to user when clicking a link on the Not Currently Scheduled listing, and when clicking a Marketing Campaign link. Both pages allow the user to add their name to a specific Interest Area listing.

  • XShowSchedule.htm - Show Schedule page displays list of courses in a particular group (if uses clicked a Group link), or when clicking a Complete Listing link. Table contents is determined by ScheduleFields setting in ACEweb.ini.  Online course table contents is determined by AsynFields INI setting. Not Currently Scheduled table list is determined by the <CatalogFields> setting in the ##-Config-## section of the template.

  • XWelcome.htm - Welcome page displayed when users adds themselves to your database.

Custom Folder (wconnect/ace/custom) ​

  • CustomRegConfirm.htm - Sample custom registration confirmation template.
  • CustomXShowSchedule.htm - Sample custom xshowschedule template.
  • X-CustomXCourseStatus.htm - Sample custom course status template.
  • DataCapture.htm - Sample data capture template.
  • XReg-Logon.wcs - Sample script-based express registration template. Note: this template has the logon process included.
  • XReg-New.wcs - Sample script-based express registration template. Note: this template does NOT have the logon process included. It's meant to be used for courses where everyone who will be enrolling is new (has no name record in your system).
  • XRegSample.htm - Sample html-based express registration template.

Style Sheets ​

Style sheets used by ACEweb are in the wconnect/ace/css folder.

ACEweb installs provide the following default style sheets:

  • aceweb.css - standard CSS styles (e.g. body, h1-h4 headings, links (A), etc.).
  • awDesign.css - design element styles for the default ACEweb design (e.g. header, search box, navigation sidebar, etc.).
  • awStyles.css - custom styles for ACEweb page elements ( e.g. system generated tables, enrollment cart table, etc.)
  • awPrint.css - styles used when printing pages such as Registration Confirmations or Attendance Sheets.
  • AWPstyles.css - styles used by .awp type templates.
  • AWLogView.css - styles used by the Abandoned Cart Report.
  • awMobile.css - styles used in mobile view.
  • responsive-tabs.css - styles used for tabbed pages like showschedule page.
  • jquery-ui.css - styles used for various routines like date pickers.
  • toastr.css - styles used by the Instructor Profile page.
  • vuestyle.css -styles used by the Bulletin Editor, Course Editor, and Emergency Email pages.
  • westwind.css - styles used by the admin pages.


If you have a custom design applied to your ACEweb installation, you may be using your own campus style sheets in place of the aceweb.css and awDesign.css style sheets.

Images ​

Images must be placed in the ACEweb Images directory on the ACEweb server (e.g. inetpub\wwwroot\wconnect\ace\images).


ACEweb has restricted access to the Student Manager folder. It is allowed to access data, however ACEweb CANNOT access images located in your Student Manager folder to display on a web page. Any images you use must be placed in the ACEweb Images directory (see paragraph above).

Image Size ​

Images should be correctly sized for the specific web page/option. E.g.:

  • If you are using images for your groups, they will be need to be the same size.
  • If you are displaying an image on the individual course information page, you will want to make sure the image is properly sized for the page. For example, if you want to place it to the right of the course details, you may want to keep it relatively small (i.e. under 300 pixels in height and width).

Image Location ​

  • Images will always be displayed in the same location on any generated pages. For example, if you place the coding to show an image on the XCourseStatus.htm template, it will always show the image in the same location for any individual course information page.

Javascript Files ​

The following scripts links must be added to <head> tag of Home.htm, Standard.htm, and Minimal.html.

  • *jquery.min.js - Jquery library. This is required by all ACEweb javascript routines and must be the first javascript file listed on any ACEweb page.
  • jquery-ui.min.js - Used to create dialog boxes, calendar date selections, etc. It should be listed second, under the jquery.min.js file.
  • awjq.js - ACEweb specific scripts. Should be listed third, under the jquery-ui.min.js file.
  • ww.jquery.min.js - ACEweb specific scripts. Should be listed fourth, under the awjq.js file.

Supplemental Javascript Files ​

Other ACEweb pages use these additional Javascript plug-in files:

  • jquery.responsiveTabs.min.js - Jquery Responsive Tabs. Used on xcoursestatus.htm to build the responsive course information tabs
  • jquery.tablesorter.min.js - Jquery Tablesorter. Used on various pages to enable the table column sorter.
  • awDonation.js - Used on xenrollcard.htm for the Donation option.
  • awOpFeeCalc.js - Used on xenrollcard.htm for custom optional Fee calculation routines.
  • awInvFeeCalc.js - Used on xenrolcard.htm for the Inventory Items option.
  • awTtlFeeCalc.js - Used on xenrollcard.htm for custom total fee calculation routines.
  • social.js - Used on xcoursestatus.htm for the Share Icons.
  • *jquery.validate.min.js - Jquery Validate. Used on various pages to validate required fields.

*Hosted jquery files

Template Scripts ​

In addition, many templates have scripts that perform various tasks. You should not remove or edit these scripts unless advised to by your ACEware technician.