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A JUSTAFTER is a specialized report function that allows you to stamp a value in a field, extract fields to an external file, or execute specialized report functions AFTER the report runs.

Like the JUSTDOIT, the JUSTAFTER is a non-printing element that we recommend placing in the header band.

Examples ​

  • Stamp the system date into Confirm field on the Registration screen. Use it to log the date confirmation letters were sent to registrants.


  • Export name and address information to a file on your hard drive (dBASE III format). This is most commonly used to create a mailing address file for Mailing Houses.

JUSTAFTER('=NAMEEXP ("c:\myfile.dbf")')

  • Start the Mass Email Wizard after the report runs. This is most commonly used to email everyone in a report (e.g. receipts, confirmation, second notices, etc.).