ACEweb Template Functions ​
There are several functions that can be used on various ACEweb templates:
- AddFee2 (ACEweb VFP Version) - returns the descriptions and/or amounts of Additional/Optional charges for specific registrations.
- AddFee2 (ACEweb SQL Version) - returns the descriptions and/or amounts of Additional/Optional charges for specific registrations.
- AddLoc2 - returns field from location table based on room ID code.
- DATELIST - returns listing of all meeting dates and times for a course.
- FullDays - modifies the Meets output.
- GetFee - returns the dollar amount for a specific main registration fee set up in the Course record.
- GetLocDetails - returns location information on Course Listing page when a location is selected from the Location Lookup listing.
- GetMemo - retrieve a letter body onto an ACEweb page or in an ACEweb email.
- GetUUDF - returns the specified Unlimited UDF. Can be used on various ACEweb pages and in registration confirmations.
- HREF - creates a link.
- HTMLLINK - creates a link IF parameter #1 is not empty.
- HTWrap - wraps an element in the specified html tag, if the element is non-empty. If it is empty, nothing is returned.
- IsMember - Returns True if the user has an active membership for the specified Membership code.
- NiceDate - formats course begin and end dates.
- Request.GetCurrentURL - returns the current URL.
- Request.GetPreviousURL - returns the URL of the previous web page.
- Request.QueryString - retrieves the value of the specified parameter from the current URL.
- SessionMsg - returns Logged on as [person] messages.
- ShoUpCls - returns list of upcoming courses.
- ShowDOW - returns days of the week course is meeting.
- ShowEscrow - displays the Credit Balance message if the logged on user has any credits in Escrow.
- ShowImage - display image in Course Listings as determined by the ScheduleFields INI setting.
- SMStaff - returns values if a Student Manager staff member is logged into ACEwebin.
- Truncate - truncates memo fields to specified length, preserving whole words at break.
- Wrap - wraps an element in the specified characters, if the element is non-empty. If it is empty, nothing is returned.
Standard FoxPro Functions ​
In addition, standard FoxPro functions can be used in ACEweb:
- BETWEEN - determines whether the expression value is between the values of two other expressions of the same data type.
- DATE - returns System (current) Date.
- EMPTY - returns logical .T. if expression is empty, .F. if expression is not empty.
- IIF - returns values depending on the condition given.
- PAD[LR] - returns the specified expression padded on the right, left, or both sides.
- SUBSTR - returns a portion of a character string.
- TRANSFORM - converts date and numeric fields to string format.
- TRIM/ALLTRIM/LTRIM - trim leading and trailing spaces off data fields.
Special Use Functions ​
The following are special use function used on specific ACEweb templates:
- BonusOffer - displays the Discount Text Description used with the BOGO optional module.
- MemberStatus - display Membership Status message on the Person.awp and Enrollment Cart pages.
- oCourse.CatDescript - shows catalog description in pop up for courses in Course Listings.
- oCourse.HTMLDepositBox - returns Deposit message or selection option (checkbox), depending on template.
- oCourse.HTMLDonations - returns Donations field on Enrollment Cart page.
- oCourse.HTMLInvFeeList - returns Inventory Items listing on Enrollment Cart page.
- oCourse.HTMLItemList - creates specified drop down lists for filtering courses on Calendar pages.
- oCourse.HTMLMandFeeText - Returns mandatory fees listing on Enrollment Cart page.
- oCourse.HTMLMemReqList - if the course has Membership Requisites, returns a link to the required Membership course(s) on Course Status page.
- oCourse.HTMLopFeeList - returns Optional Fees listing on Enrollment Cart page.
- oCourse.HTMLRegFeeList - Returns main registration fee listing on Enrollment Cart page and Script-based Express Registration pages.
- oCourse.HTMLSourceList - adds the 'How did you hear about this registration?' drop down to the Enrollment Cart page, populated with Tracking codes.
- oCourse.HTMLWksItem - returns specified workshop on Script-based Express Registration pages. For use in special circumstances where you need more control of workshop display.
- oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist - returns Workshop listing for Workshop type courses on Enrollment Cart page.
- oCourse.MembDiscountMsg - displays membership discount message with amount they can save by becoming a member on Course Status page.
- oInstructor.HTMLInstList - creates Instructor drop down lists for filtering courses on Calendar pages.
- Process.FeeBreakdown - returns fee listing on Course Status page.
- This.Page.InterestCodes - Displays the list of aceweb enabled interest codes on Person.awp.
- This.Page.Memberships - Displays the user's membership information on Person.awp.