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Workshop Setup ​

Some special options you can use with workshops:

Web Instructions ​

Enter special web instructions into the ACEweb Workshop Message field on the Course ACEweb Info tab. You may use HTML formatting codes to format the message display:

Set Workshop Message

The message will appear on the Course Status and Workshop Listing pages.

Min/Max Workshop Enrollment ​

Set the minimum/maximum number of workshops in which an individual must enroll in the Minimum/Maximum fields on the Course ACEweb Info.

Workshop Enrollment Min and Max

Individuals will not be allowed to complete the registration if they don't enroll in the minimum number, or exceed the maximum. E.g.:

Minimum Not Selected Message

Note:  this feature requires that you also set the WksCodeMatch INI setting to determine what workshops are considered to reside in the same time slots/groups.

Hide Workshops from Web ​

To prevent a workshop from being listed on web displays, check the Do Not Display in ACEweb checkbox.