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Course Set Up ​

In order for a course to appear in ACEweb Course Listings:

Course Status ​

The course status must be Active (the Active box must be checked). Canceled or locked courses are not displayed.

Course Begin Date ​

The Course Begin Date must start on or after the current date. You can modify this with the Lag Days for ACEweb value on the course ACEweb Info tab. For example, enter 7 and it will stay on ACEweb listings 7 days after the course begins. Enter -7 and it will be removed 7 days BEFORE the course starts.

Enrollment Open ​

For Online, Donation, Membership, and Ind Study course types, the Enrollment Open field is used to determine when the course is included in Course Listings.

Course Grouping ​

If you're using the Course Grouping option (GroupOption INI), you must enter at least one grouping code that is set to display on ACEweb. If you want the course to be cross-listed in more than one group, enter all appropriate grouping codes.

ACEweb Publish Properties ​

The ACEweb Publish Property on the Course ACEweb Info tab must be set to at least Publish Only.

You can mass update the ACEweb Publish properties for a series of courses from Mass/Change Update/Delete/Archive.

You can also set the Publish Date on the course ACEweb Info tab, and ACEweb will begin publishing the course on that date.

Course Max ​

The course Max must be set to a non-zero amount if you want to allow enrollment. If it is left at 0, the course will display in the listings with the Full designation.

Full Course Notice

Course Descriptions ​

To show course descriptions on ACEweb, you must create catalog records and enter the descriptions into Catalog Builder, then assign the Catalog code to the course record.

Waitlisting ​

You may allow users to add themselves to a Waitlist if the course is full, by checking the Allow Waitlisting on Web box on the ACEweb Info tab.

Transaction Notices ​

You may identify other individuals who should receive a copy of the Transaction Notice when individuals enroll in a particular course.

To do so, enter the email address(es) in the Persons to Notify via Email field on the Course Additional Info (UDFs) tab.

If you enter :FIRM, a copy of the Transaction Notice is sent to the email address entered in the Firm Email field on the individual's Firm.


These options do not override the OfficeEmail INI setting. The individual(s) entered will still receive a Transaction Notice when individuals enroll in the course.