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Gift Cards ​

The optional Gift Card module provides the option to purchase gift cards and use them to pay for registrations.

Installation ​

Please contact your ACEware technician for installation files/instructions.

Set Up ​

  1. You must set up a course with the word GIFT in the course code. For example, 23GIFTCARDS.

Gift Card Course

  1. We recommend setting the course Type to Online for the Gift Card course, and entering the date the course should appear on ACEweb in the Enrollment Opens field.

  2. Enter the expiration date in the Gift Exp Date field, or the number of days after purchase it expires in the Gift Exp Days field. Do not enter a value in both. If a value is entered in both, it will use the Date as the expiration value.

Gift Card Expiration Date

  1. Don't enter schedule information (e.g. dates, times, location),.

  2. Save the course record.

  3. On the Course Fees tab, you may want to create and use a Fee Description such as Gift Card Amount. This will be used in place of the default None Entered wording on the Cart and Transaction Completed pages, and in the confirmation email. Do NOT enter a fee amount--staff or online registrants will enter the amount of the gift card during the enrollment process.

Purchase a Gift Card ​

  1. Register the person in the Gift Card course.
  2. Make a payment, entering payment details such as payer and payment type (Cash, Check, Credit Card, etc.).
  3. Save the payment.
  4. If you are purchasing the gift card for a person, select their name from the Search. If you are not purchasing the gift card for a person, press the ESC key to close the search.

The Gift Card # appears on the Payment record when you save it. If purchased for a specific person (step 4 above), the Recipient name will show next to the Gift Card #. Click the Gift Card # to copy the value to the clipboard.

View Gift Card Code

Receipts ​

Printed Receipt

  • Add the pygift field to show the Gift Card #. Cogiftexpd can be added to show the gift card expiration date if you entered a date into the Gift Exp Date on the course. If you entered a number into the Gift Exp Days field, you can add pydate+cogiftexpn.

  • A sample Gift Cards report is available to print Gift Card notices, listing recipient, card number, expiration date and who purchased the card.

Email Receipts

  • Add the egiftno variable to show the Gift Card #. *Transform(cogiftexpd) can be added to show the gift card expiration date if you entered a date into the Gift Exp Date on the course. If you entered a number into the Gift Exp Days field, you can add transform(date()+cogiftexpn).

  • A sample email template called GIFTEMAIL is available to send gift card details. The email can be sent to the purchaser who can print or forward to recipient (or if the purchaser provides the recipient email address, staff could send it directly to the recipient). Note the GIFTEMAIL template is not a substitute for a receipt. Staff will still want to send the purchaser a regular receipt that lists the payment method, etc.

*In emails, numeric and date fields must be transformed to character types.

Using a Gift Card ​

If the Gift Card is associated with a person, the Gift Card Pay button is live on the Pay record. Click it to apply the Gift Card to the registration.

Gift Card Pay button

If the gift card is not associated with the person, click the Gift Card Find button to find the gift card. Select the card to apply it to the registration.

Find Gift Card button

Find Gift Card List

Gift Card Reports ​

View the list of unused gift cards from Reports > Accounting > Gift Cards.

Note, used Gift Cards will not show in this report area.

Gift Card Report