ConvertW Import Structure ​
- This structure is ONLY for use with the ConvertW program.
- You must include the fields listed in the Required Fields list—even if there is no data in the fields. All other fields are optional.
- The order of the fields in your dBASE file does not matter.
- Field Types must match (C-character, D-date, N-numeric, L-logical). For example, NMID, NMDPHONE, and NMZIP must be character type fields.
Required Fields ​
- First Name, Last Name, Address Line 1, City, State, Zip.
Optional Fields ​
- You can include any other fields from the NAMES and NAMUDFS tables.
- If you include the NMFIRM field: CONVERTW will look to see if you have also included the Firm data fields (see below). If you have, it will create a firm record in the Firm database using the Firm data fields. If you did not include any Firm data fields, it will create a firm record using the NMFIRM field as the Firm name and the individual’s address data fields (i.e. address1, address2, city, state, and zip) as the Firm address.
- Interest Codes: you may include up to 19 Interest/Mailing List Codes using the C1 - C19 field naming convention. IMPORTANT - Interest Code columns in your dBase file CANNOTÂ be longer than 10 characters.
Firm Data Fields ​
Use these fields IF you want to create a separate FIRM record that is linked to the Name record.
Required Fields:
- Firm Name, Firm Address Line 1, Firm Address Line 2, Firm City, Firm State, Firm Zip
You can include any other fields from the Firms table, if desired.