Student Manager Codes ​
Garbage in - garbage out has become a computer cliché. It refers to collected data that becomes worthless if there is no coordination of how data is entered into the database.
To combat this problem, Student Manager uses data validation tools to ensure information conforms with rules set up for specific data elements. Some of these rules are built into Student Manager:
- You can not enter an invalid date such as April 31st.
- Each name record must have a unique ID number.
- Each course record must have a unique Course Code.
- A course must exist in the database before you can register anyone in the course.
- A registration must exist in the database before you can make a payment to the registration.
- Codes for validated fields must be defined (added to the field's Code list) before they can be used in records.
Student Manager offers a powerful tool in the form of the Code System. To make the Student Manager Code System work for you, you must:
- Determine which codes you should use to help you meet your reporting needs.
- Enable/disable the appropriate code fields in Preferences.
- Add/edit/delete code values to meet your specific coding needs.
The following is a list of Code fields on each of the Student Manager screens. Unless otherwise stated, these codes are added/edited from .
Attendance Screen ​
- Attendance Codes - Attendance code (e.g. arrived late, didn't show, etc.), used with the optional Attendance Tracking module.
- Module Codes - Session type (e.g. test, lecture, etc.), used with the optional Attendance Tracking module.
Course Screen ​
- Course Code - Unique user defined code that identifies the course record.
- Category - Category for course.
- Type - System generated code identifying the type of course. Course behavior is determined by this code entry (e.g. if type is workshop, the workshop screen is accessible).
- Department - Department that offers the course.
- Subject Code - Subject associated with course. The subject code assigned to a course will be added to students' Interest code list when they enroll in the course (unless the code has already been assigned to the individual).
- Catalog Code - Course description. Add/edit catalog codes on Catalog screen.
- Account - Account number assigned to course.
- Coordinator - Coordinator assigned to course.
- Location - Building and/or Room where the course is held. Add/edit location on Location screen.
- Grouping Codes - Group to which course belongs. ACEweb use requires set up.
Course Fees Tab ​
- Main Fee Descriptions - Main (Tuition) Fee Descriptions for course. This list is generated from FEES: Course Main Fee Descriptions.
- Other Fee Descriptions - Optional Fee/Coupon Code Descriptions for course. This list is generated from FEES: Course Additional/Optional Fee Descriptions.
- Inventory Items - Inventory items for course.
- Membership Code - if using the Membership feature, the code that identifies the membership.
Course Instructors Tab ​
- Pay Type - System generated code to identify what pay type is used to calculate Instructor pay on course.
- Account - Account number assigned to Instructor pay record. This list is generated from COURSE: Account Numbers.
- Exp Class Code - Expense classification type assigned to Instructor Pay record. This list is generated from (Ledger) Expense Classification Codes.
- Type - System generated code identifying type Instructor type (i.e. Instructor, Keynote Speaker, Presenter, etc.).
Location Screen ​
- City - Location City. Validation can be enabled for this field. Values for the list are entered from in the LOCATION: City list.
- County - Location County. Validation can be enabled for this field. Values for the list are entered from in the LOCATION: County list.
- Room Record Internal ID - System generated identification assigned to Location record. This code should NOT be edited.
- Location/Room ID # - Internal Room ID that is assigned to the room by your organization. The Location/Room ID number can then be used when running statistical reports.
Names Screen ​
- ID # - Â Unique identification code for Name record. This code can be user defined or system generated.
- Salutation - Individual's salutation (e.g. Mr., Ms., etc.). Field Validation for Salutation is optional.
- Firm - Individual's firm or company. Add/edit firms on Firm screen.
- Zip Code - Individual's zip code. Add/edit zip codes on Zip Code screen.
- County - Individual's county. Field Validation for County is optional.
- Mail Preference - System generated code identifying individual's preferred mailing address.
- Fee Category - Main fee type for which individual qualifies (e.g. Senior Citizen discount). This list is generated from (Fee) Registration Fee Descriptions.
- Source - Promotional item which generated Name.
- Occupation - Individual's occupation (Clerical, Administrative, Nurse, Plumber, etc.).
- Organization -  Individual’s organization type (Government, School, Retail, Medical, etc).
- Interest - Subjects in which individual is interested (Computers, Management, etc). An unlimited amount of Interest codes can be added to a name record.
- Gender - Individual's gender.
- Call Back Users - Student Manager user who should make call back.
- Education level - Individual's education level.
- Disability - Individual's disability (if any).
- Language - Primary language spoken by individual. This field can be relabeled and used to collect user defined demographic data.
- Ethnicity - Individual's ethnic origin. This field can be relabeled and used to collect user defined demographic data.
- Household Income - Individual's household income level.
- Marital Status - Individual's marital status.
- Family Type - Individual's family type.
- Dwelling Type - Individual's dwelling type.
- Misc Code - field that can be labeled and used to collect data specific to your organization. Enable/Label this field in Names Preferences.
- Credential Tab > Testing &Â Certification Types - Credential type.
Firm Screen ​
- Firm ID - System generated identification number assigned to Firm record. This code should NOT be edited.
- Zip Code - Firm's zip code. Add/edit zip codes on Zip Code screen.
- Org Code - Firm's organization type (Government, School, Retail, Medical, etc). This list is generated from NAMES: Organization Codes.
- # of Employees - Firm size code.
- Size (in $000's) - Firm Sales Amount code.
- Firm Type - System generated code identifying Firm type (i.e. firm or vendor).
Registration Screen ​
- Tracking - Promotional item which generated Registration. This list is generated from NAMES: Source/Tracking Codes.
- Status Codes - Status of registrant (e.g. Participant, Speaker, Panelist, No Show, etc.).
- Reg Codes - User defined code with which you can track registrant data specific to your organization (e.g. T-Shirt size, Hotel code, etc.). Organizations can define the label for this field.
- Misc Code - User defined code with which you can track registrant data specific to your organization (e.g. T-Shirt size, Hotel code, etc.). Organizations can define the label for this field (rgmisc field).
- Who Paid - Internal code identifying who paid for registration.
- Fee - Main fee (i.e. fees set up in course record) to be assessed to registrant.
- Additional Charges - Other fees (i.e. fees set up in course record) that can be assessed to registrant.
- Fee Adjustment Description - Fee adjustments that can be assessed to registrant. Field validation for Fee Adjustment Descriptions is optional. If validated, this list is generated from FEES: Registrations (O-T-F=On the Fly) Adjustment fees and PAY: Refund Notes.
Payment Screen ​
- Type - System generated code identifying Payment type. Organizations can define the label for additional payment types.
- Payment Identifiers - User defined code with which you can track payment data specific to your organization (e.g. Medicare code, Account number, etc.). This list is generated from PAY: Payment Identifiers. Field validation for Add Info is optional (i.e. Validate Pay Additional ID).
- Refund Wizard Pay Adjustment - Refund note entered as Fee adjustment description when refunding money to a registration.
Financial Aid Screen ​
- Financial Aid Types - type of Financial Aid.
Catalog Screen ​
- Code - Unique user defined code that identifies the Catalog record (e.g. COMP1001 for Introduction to Computer course description, E_MAIL for Email template, etc.).
- Kind - System generated code used to identify the Catalog record type.
- Subject - Subject associated with Catalog record. This list is generated from COURSE: Subject Codes.
Faculty Manager Screen ​
- Faculty System ID # - System generated identification number assigned to Faculty record. This code should NOT be edited.
- Zip Code - Faculty member's zip code. Add/edit zip codes on Zip Code screen.
- Source - Promotional item which generated Faculty member. This list is generated from NAMES: Source/Tracking Codes.
- Occupation - Faculty member's occupation (Clerical, Administrative, Nurse, Plumber, etc.). This list is generated from NAMES: Occupation Codes.
- Organization - Faculty member's organization type (Government, School, Retail, Medical, etc). This list is generated from NAMES: Organization Codes.
- Subject - Subjects which instructor can teach. An unlimited amount of interest codes can be added to a faculty record. This list is generated from COURSE: Subject Codes.
- Call Back User - Student Manager user who should make call back.
- Pay Type - System generated code identifying pay types that can be used to calculate Instructor Pay record.
Pocket Ledger Screen ​
- Expense Classification - Expense classification type assigned to Pocket Ledger record.
- Major Expense Category - Major category for Expense Classification code.
- Account - Account number assigned to Pocket Ledger record. This list is generated from COURSE: Account Numbers.
- Vendor - Vendor who provided item. Vendor records are stored in the Firm table.