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ACEweb Pages Spin and Never Load (VFP Users Only) ​

The most common reason for pages never loading is a corrupted wwrequestlog.

To fix this, you must delete then recreate the wwrequestlog files.

  1. Log into the server as an Administrator.
  2. Open the Task Manager and stop any instances of the aw3.exe running.
  3. Go into the inetpub\aceweb folder and delete all the files starting with wwrequestlog (i.e. wwrequstlog.dbf, wwrequestlog.fxp, etc.).

You can now test an ACEweb page to see if it loads.

Note: sometimes you get a COM error when trying the ACEweb page. That can happen because you manually shut down the aw3.exe via Task Manager. Reloading the page usually resolves that.

LogFormat INI Setting ​

We recommend setting the LogFormat INI setting to 0. This will cause ACEweb to only log errors to the wwrequestlog instead of logging each hit to ACEweb pages. This will greatly reduce the chances of file corruption.

WWSession ​

This can also occassionally happen to the wwsession file which logs the session IDs. Follow the same steps above, except in step 3, delete all the files starting with wwsession (i.e. wwsession.dbf, wwsession.fpt, wwsession.cdx).