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Express Registration Feature ​

The Express Registration feature allows you to create a "One Page" registration form with personal data, course fees, workshop selections (if applicable), and payment information. Set up the page so that it will open for all users when they click the Course link on the course listing page, or restrict it to a few users to whom you send the page URL.

Note: users must enroll in the Express Registration course singly, e.g. they don't get the opportunity to add the course to their Enrollment Cart (allowing them to enroll in multiple courses at one time).

There are 2 types of express registration pages:

  • HTML (.htm) Templates: HTML templates are simple web pages with no ability to display data from the Student Manager databases. Any course information you want to show on the page has to be hard-coded onto the HTML based template. The following example is an HTML based template. You must edit the header to include the course title, dates, etc. Registration options are also hard-coded and must be edited to reflect the correct fee structure for your course.

  • Script (.wcs) Templates: Script templates employ scripting (Foxpro and Javascript) to display data from the Student Manager databases, and provide logon capabilities. Because you can embed code on the template, they can handle more complex scenarios.

ACEware Systems also offers custom programming of the Express Registration page for those with no advanced HTML experience, or for organizations with specialized needs. For more information, including custom program pricing, contact your ACEware Systems technician.