ACEweb Administration Pages ​
There are a number of administrative tools available for use with ACEweb. These tools are accessed on the following pages:
ACEweb Administration Page ​
To access the page, type in the following link (where yourwebdomain is your server's web domain):
You must log into the system using a Student Manager User Account with an appropriate Access Level to access any of the ACEweb Administration options. In addition, if your organization has set additional Network security on this page (recommended), you must use the appropriate Network User Account to access the page.
From the ACEweb Administration page, you can:
- View information about ACEweb.
- Reload HTML Templates (i.e. Standard and Minimal templates, after editing)
- Rebuil System Files
- Reload COM Servers
- Verify ACEweb Resources
- View Site Activity Log
- View the Registration and Enrollment Session Logs
- Switch Error Displays
Other routines you can run from the ACEweb Administration page:
- Clean up System Files
- Compile AWP Type Templates
- View the ACEweb Search Log
- Customize the ACEweb.ini Settings
- Access the Interface Manager
- Access the Template Manager
- Set Registration Defaults
- Access the Custom Phrasebook and Vocabulary options
Web Connection Server Maintenance ​
From the Web Connection Server Maintenance page, you can:
- View the Server Hit Log
- View the Server Error Log
- Access Web Connection Module Administration to load/unload the COM/File servers and determine how many to run.
To access the Web Connection Server Maintenance page, type in the following link (where yourwebdomain is your server's web domain, e.g.
Note: Â if security has been set on this page, you must logon to access it and perform tasks (page will not open until you logon using the appropriate Network User Account). We strongly encourage organizations to set security on this page. If no security is set, anyone who knows the URL can access it and change your ACEweb settings.
Access Rights ​
You should secure access to Web Connection Server Maintenance page with the AdminAccount setting in the WC.ini if running the ISAPI version; in wconnect's web.config if running the .NET version. Possible entries for AdminAccount are:
- Network User Account - enter a Network User Account and only the specified user can perform tasks. We suggest you enter the account under which ACEweb runs (e.g. the AWSAÂ account). Note: you may need to enter the domain too, e.g. ourdomain\AWSA.
- Any - enter the word 'Any' and any user in the domain can log in and complete administrative tasks.
- Blank - if you leave the AdminAccount entry blank, NO authentication method will be used. This means that anyone can access the administrative pages and run administrative tasks. We DO NOT encourage use of this option.