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ACEweb Course Editor ​

The ACEweb Course Editor page allows you to view course information, and edit some of that information.


The Vue script for this feature uses eval functions. If you have a Content-Security-Policy set in your web.config in the wwwroot folder, you will need to add the unsafe-eval attribute to the script-src, e.g.

<add name="Content-Security-Policy" value="default-src 'self'; font-src \*;img-src \* data:; script-src \* 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src \* 'unsafe-inline';" />

Access Course Editor ​

  1. Log into the Staff Web Access page.
  2. Click the Edit Course Information link.
  3. Select the course record to edit by clicking the Course Title link.
  4. You can now view course information. Note, some fields cannot be edited. These will be greyed out and italicized.

Course Editor