Template Converter ​
Use the Template Converter to update older templates to use the AWP script map in their ACEweb URLs (pre-2006 templates), update older templates to use the new-style section tags (pre-2006 templates), and search/replace specific items.
To run the Template Converter:
- Enter the following URL where domain is your web server URL:
- Select the appropriate options:
- Convert all template URLs to script maps - check this to convert URLs in the templates to use the AWP script map (see notes below).
- Update all template section references - check this to change to the new section reference tags.
- Modify URLs to include virtual directory Wconnect - some organizations cannot set the script map on the default web site. Those customers will need to add the wconnect directory to all script map URLs. However, you should only check this if your ACEweb technician advises you to.
- Search and replace all templates - check this box to perform a search/replace on selected templates.
- Back up current templates to folder - check this box if you want to create a backup of your templates before converting them. The system will create a folder in the Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace\backups).
- File(s) to convert (see notes below) - enter the file(s) you want to convert.
- Click the Update Templates button. The system will return a count of templates that will be modified.
- Click the OK button to continue the conversion.
- When converting to script map URLs, you will need to repeat steps 2-4 until the system returns 0 URLs converted in all.
When you receive the 0 URLs converted in all message, any templates with old style links that could not be converted will be listed above the line (e.g. PERSONALDATA.HTM in above example). These templates will need to be manually edited (e.g. edit the template and search for wc.dll--those are the references that will need to be updated to the new script map URLs).
- All templates must be converted so you will need to repeat steps 2-4 changing the Files to Convert entry until you have all templates converted. Base templates are stored in the Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace). Custom templates are stored in the Custom folder (i.e. wconnect\ace\custom). In addition, some templates are .wcs files. These will also need to be converted.
Leave as *.htm to convert all templates in the main Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace). To convert templates in the Custom folder, enter Custom\*.htm. To convert .wcs files, enter *.wcs.