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Office Notification (notifyofc.txt) ​

Office Notification emails are sent to office staff when individuals perform certain tasks via ACEweb:

  • Users add an account
  • Users request a catalog or subject information
  • Users request a reset password link
  • Users register in a course
  • Users add themselves to a waitlist
  • Instructors submit a course proposal
  • Instructors request a reset password link
  • Inventory Items reach their Order number
  • An online payment attempt fails (e.g. credit card is declined)

To enable office notifications, you must set the NotifyOffice INI setting to "ON" and enter the staff email address(es) in the OfficeEmail INI setting.

The following template tags are used on the notifyofc.txt template:

pcTranTimeDate and time transaction was completed.
pcAlertAlert notice if transaction requires an invoice. Otherwise, indicates a credit card payment was made or no charge for the transaction.
RCTABLEIncludes the registrant/course details from the regconfirm.txt email sent to the registrant.
pcNotesInserts other comments from the name record (stored in the Comments field), usually reserved for internal use by office staff.
ENDEnd of Email message. Only text and template tags placed above the -END- tag will be included in the email.

Conditional Statements ​

You can add conditional statements to display information if the condition is true. For example, the following iif statements are on the default template.

Displays PO #: [number] if invoicing was selected:

##iif(tPay.pytype=[3],[PO #: ]+tPay.pynumber,[])##

Displays registrants' Disability if entered it into their Name record:

##iif(!empty(tPerson.nmdisable),[Disability: ]+quikcode(tPerson.nmdisable,[discript],[disa]),[])##

Disable New User/Password Request Notifications ​

You can disable notifications when users create new accounts and/or request a password reset.

Disable New User Notifications

To disable notifications when users create new accounts, add the following hidden field inside the <form> tag on person.awp:

<ww:wwWebHiddenField ID="NotifyOffice" Text="OFF" runat="server"></ww:wwWebHiddenField>

Disable Password Reset Request Notifications

To disable notifications when users request a password reset, add the following hidden field inside the <form> tag on the LookupPWD.htm template:

<input type="hidden" name="NotifyOffice" value="OFF" />```