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Custom Enrollment Cart Template ​

Create a custom Enrollment Cart page template to display custom Cart options for the specified course.

To create a custom Enrollment Cart template:

  1. Make a copy of the XEnrollmentCard.htm template.
  2. Name the copy EC+the appropriate course code. E.g. EC21FACE101A.htm.
  3. Place your custom information on the template and/or edit the Cart functions (e.g.oCourse.HTMLSourceList, oCourse.HTMLRegFeeList, oCourse.HTMLWkshoplist, etc.).
  4. Save the custom template.
  5. Put the template in the wconnect\ace\custom folder.

The custom Cart page will now display in lieu of the default xenrollcard.htm template when a user chooses one of the Enroll options (i.e. Enroll Yourself or Enroll Someone Else).