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Custom XShowSchedule Template ​

You may create a custom template to display information for a specific course listing group (or subgroup if using 2 level grouping). Custom group templates are based on the XShowSchedule.htm template.

To create a custom Course Group template:

  1. Make a copy of the XShowSchedule.htm template.
  2. Rename the copy using the grouping code, e.g. if making a custom template for the ACE group, rename it to ACE.htm.
  3. Place your custom information on the template leaving the template tags intact (e.g. ##Standard.Section1##, ##-Table Here-##, ##pcScheduleTable##, etc.).
  4. Change the &Template value in the following Javascript code to your custom template name (e.g. ACE.htm):


  1. Save the custom course group template.
  2. Put the template in the wconnect\ace\custom folder.

The custom group page will now display in lieu of the default Show Schedule template when a user selects the course group from the Show Groups listing page.

Custom Course Listing Tables ​

You can also customize the contents of the course listing tables on custom group template with the ScheduleFields, AsyncFields, and CatalogFields settings in the Config section (located at the bottom of the template, after the closing </html> tag).


Entries must follow the same format as the default ScheduleFields and AsyncFields INI settings.