Custom XShowSchedule Template ​
You may create a custom template to display information for a specific course listing group (or subgroup if using 2 level grouping). Custom group templates are based on the XShowSchedule.htm template.
To create a custom Course Group template:
- Make a copy of the XShowSchedule.htm template.
- Rename the copy using the grouping code, e.g. if making a custom template for the ACE group, rename it to ACE.htm.
- Place your custom information on the template leaving the template tags intact (e.g. ##Standard.Section1##, ##-Table Here-##, ##pcScheduleTable##, etc.).
- Change the &Template value in the following Javascript code to your custom template name (e.g. ACE.htm):
- Save the custom course group template.
- Put the template in the wconnect\ace\custom folder.
The custom group page will now display in lieu of the default Show Schedule template when a user selects the course group from the Show Groups listing page.
Custom Course Listing Tables ​
You can also customize the contents of the course listing tables on custom group template with the ScheduleFields, AsyncField>, and CatalogFields settings in the Config section (located at the bottom of the template, after the closing </html>
Entries must follow the same format as the default ScheduleFields and AsyncFields INIÂ settings.