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CustomRegister.htm ​

CustomRegister.htm is the Checkout page, i.e. where the user verifies their Cart entries before being transferred to the payment service website to make a credit card payment.

No template tags should be removed from this page.

Check Out Page

Template Tags/Messages ​

Session.GetSessionVar([WaitListNotice])Displays a message if users added themselves to a waitlist during the current transaction.
pcFeeMsgDisplays the Registrant Name qualifies for reduced rate fees for the following courses: message if the registrant qualifies for a reduced rate as specified in the Fee Category field on their Name record.
Enrollment card list goes hereList of courses on the user's Cart. Should not be edited, moved, or removed.
pcNoBillMsgDisplays Billing Not Allowed messages if the user adds courses to their Cart that have mixed payment options, e.g. one allows billing and one can only be paid by credit card.
Card Info SectionMessages and data displayed in the Credit Card Payer Information section. The logged on user's information is displayed by default. The user can edit the information before clicking the Payment Service button (e.g. if they are paying with a 3rd party credit card.)
Invoice SectionMessages and data displayed if the course allows billing. Users can edit the information before submitting the registration if desired (e.g. enter a PO number, change the name of the person to bill, etc.). Note: this section will NOT be displayed if the Cart contains courses that can only be paid with a credit card and courses that allow billing. In those cases, all courses must be paid at the time of registration.
NoCharge SectionMessages displayed if there is no charge for the transaction.
FooterMessages to be displayed at the bottom of the Registration Transaction page.
ProgressBar(16)Returns the Enrollment Progress Meter with the steps completed per the number entered.
Grand Total SectionDisplays totals for all courses on the user's Cart, including any proxy registrations (added via the Enroll Someone Else option).
Paying Deposit Only/PO# FieldIf the user is paying a deposit on a course, the Paying Deposit Only/PO# field text displays, notifying the user that they will be billed for the remaining amount, and providing a field to enter a PO for the invoice, if they have one.

Web Invoicing ​

If you allow billing on the web and require that a student enter the PO number when selecting the billing payment option, change the "txtPONum" field to "txtC1PONum" in the Invoice Section. The registration will not be processed until the student enters the PO number.

Enter Data in Registration Fields ​

You can include Registration and Registration UDF fields on the CustomRegister.htm page for users to complete*. To implement this option:

  1. Add a hidden input field named RegUDFs to the appropriate form tag (i.e. if the field will be part of the Credit Card section, you must add the hidden input tag to the Credit Card form), with the field names you are using entered as a comma-delimited list into the value attribute, e.g.:

<input type="hidden" name="RegUDFs" value="rudfl2,rudfc3,rgstatus">

  1. Add a form field for each of the fields in your Value attribute. The naming convention is to prefix all fields with txt followed by the field name, e.g.:

<input name="txtRudfl2" value="TRUE" type="checkbox"> Please check if you have read the Policies/Procedures.

Please enter the first and last name of your doctor: <input name="txtRudfc3" value="" type="text">

Status: <input name="txtRgstatus" value="" type="text">

*If the user is enrolling in multiple courses, the data will be written to ALL courses in the transaction.