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ECTable.htm ​

ECTable.htm is used to build the table of courses on the user's Cart. The EC Table is shown on the following pages:

  • Enrollment Cart and Course Registration Pages - courses that have been added to the Cart.
  • Registration Confirmation Page - courses in which the registrant was successfully enrolled.

The following is a list of sections on the ECTable.htm template.

TitleDisplays the registrant's name on the Cart/Registration pages.
ConfirmTitleDisplay the registrant's name on the Registration Confirmation page.
CourseNameDisplays course information such as code, title, and dates.
ScheduleInfoInformation displayed for Open, Event and Workshop courses on the Cart Details.
AsyncInfoInformation displayed for Donation, Ind Study, Membership, and Online courses on the Cart Details.
HybridInfoInformation displayed for Hybrid courses on the Cart Details.
GiftInfoUsed with the Gift Card module to display information on the Gift Card course on the Cart Details.
ScheduleConfirmInformation displayed for Open, Event and Workshop courses when the transaction is completed.
AsyncConfirmInformation displayed for Donation, Ind Study, Membership, and Online courses when the transaction is completed.
HybridConfirmInformation displayed for Hybrid courses when the transaction is completed.
GiftConfirmUsed with the Gift Card module to display information on the Gift Card course when the transaction is completed.
FeesDisplays total fees for specific course.
DepositIf deposits are allowed for the course, displays Deposit Fee information.
NoChargeDisplays  zero-fee options; otherwise the Fees section is used.
WorkshopsDisplays workshops selected information.
CourseHeadingDisplays headings for columns. CourseHeading and CourseSummary rows are used when ShowDetails is set to OFF and the the CourseName, Fees, NoCharge, and ExtraInfo sections will be suppressed.
CourseSummaryDisplays course information in a separate row for each course on the Enrollment Cart.
AccountSummaryDisplays course information when paying a balance.
tCard.CrseFieldAdd the specified field from the Course record to the page. If ExtraFields includes the LOCATION flag, fields from the Location table will be included in tCard. If ExtraFields includes the CsreUDFs flag (case-sensitive), fields from the Course UDFs table will be included in tCard.
tRegister.fielddisplays the value of the Register field you specify.
tRegUDFs.fielddisplays the value of the RegUDFs field you specify.
lcDateLineDisplays the beginning and ending course dates, or, if an On-line course, the course type.
lnSubTtlDisplays the total fees for a given course.
Delete ButtonButton to remove a course from the cart. It could be copied to the CourseName section if someone wants the Delete option to show in Details mode.
IIF(llShowDetails...)Creates a link which will override the condensed mode and let the user view the details.
TotalLineDisplays total of all courses in transaction. The lcTotals expression can be modified if using a custom Registration Confirmation template.
ZeroTotalLineDisplays the "No Charges..." message if the there are no charges associated with courses in transaction.
TableFootClosing </table> tag. MUST not be removed from template.
ConfigSet options such as Table width, Extra Fields which should be included in the tCard cursor, showing details by default or displaying a link, and moving cursor to the top for display of info in Closing section of confirmation email.