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Workshops.htm ​

The page displayed to users when they click the Workshop Listing link on the Course Status page, and when they click the course link* on the Current Registration Status page--IF--the course is a workshop course.

Click Link

Table contents for both options is determined by WorkshopFields INI setting in ACEweb.ini. The ACEweb Workshop Message will also display in both options.

*You must use the coursename field in RegStatusFields INI setting. The course title will not be linked to the Workshop Listing page if using cocrsenm.

Registration History Options ​

When a user views their Current Registration History and clicks the course link to view the list of workshops in which they are enrolled, the workshop listing page opens:

Workshop Listing

If the course has not yet started, users can change their workshop enrollment from this page. However, there are some rules that apply to this behavior:

  • They cannot select or remove a workshop with a fee.
  • They cannot select a full workshop.
  • If the course hasn't started but enrollment is over (i.e. lag days has been set to disallow enrollment after a certain date), they can't change their workshop enrollment.
  • They cannot enroll in less than the workshop minimum or more than the workshop maximum (as set on the ACEweb Info tab).

Disclaimer Message ​

The "Post enrollment selections can be..." message can be customized by adding a Config section to the end of Workshops.htm (after the closing </HTML> tag) with the Disclaimer element set to your customized message:

<Disclaimer>Your custom message goes here.</Disclaimer>  

Disallow Changes ​

You can disallow post-enrollment changes by adding a Config section to the end of Workshops.htm (after the closing </HTML> tag) with the ReadOnly element set to ON:


Workshop Lag Days ​

If you don't want to completely disallow post-enrollment changes but want to set a different stop date than you have in the course Lag Days setting, you can add a Config section with the WksLagDays element set to the number of days (as a negative value) before the course begin date that you want to cut off changes:


For example, the above example will allow users to make changes up to 2 days before the course starts.