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XCourseStatus.htm ​

The XCourseStatus.htm displays the individual course information page from which user adds the course to the Enrollment Cart.

The following template tags can be added or removed from this page:

pcNameCourse Title
pcDescriptionAdds the course description to the page, if you have a valid catalog code assigned to the course record. The Secondary Description field is used if it has an entry. Otherwise, the Primary Description field is used.
pcThumbnailCatalog Thumbnail Description can be added to show an abbreiviated course descrition on the Course Status page.
tCat.catfieldAdds the specified field from the associated Catalog record to the page. Replace 'catfield' with the name of field you want on the page, e.g.: tCat.caprereq - adds Prerequisite Description field. You must have a valid catalog code assigned to the course record for the catalog fields to appear on the page.
tCourse.coursefieldAdds the specified field from the course table to the page. Replace 'coursefield' with the name of field you want on the page, e.g.: tCourse.codept - adds Department field. Available fields: code (uses coalias if UseCoAlias is ON, otherwise uses cocrse), cotype, cocategory, codept, begins, ends, meets, cohours, coceus, cocredit, cosess, fee (returns base registration fee plus any mandatory fees)
tCourse1.feefieldThe tCourse1 cursor contains the Base main fee description, amount, and expire date (if an Early Bird rate). Available fields: fefee, fedesc, feexp, fee (includes any mandatory fees). Example: 1st expression uses fee description for label unless label is 'None Entered' then it uses 'Cost' as the label. 2nd expression displays the fee (plus mandatory fees) and the expiration date if one is entered. iif(tCourse1.fedesc=[None Entered],[Cost],tCourse1.fedesc): transform(tCourse.fee,"$$$,$$9.99") iif(tCourse1.feexp=0,[],[(valid through ]+nicedate(tCourse.begins-(tCourse1.feexp+1),,3)+[)])
tCrseUdfs.udffieldAdds the specified Course UDF field to the page. Replace 'udffield' with the name of field you want on the page, e.g.: tCrseUdfs.cudfc1 - adds course UDF character field 1.
pcCourseNotesAdds the Course Notes field to the page (conoteprt).
pcWarningAdds the Registration Warning Message field to the page (coregwarn). Note: to keep the message from showing for a given course only, prefix the Registration Warning Message text with an asterisk [*].
pcCreditsAdds the Course Credits field to the page (cocredit)
pcHoursAdds the Course Hours field to the page (cohours)
pcCEUsAdds the Course CEUs field to the page (coceus)
pcInstLinkAdds a link to the Instructor Information page, depending on the ShowInstructor INI setting.
pcLocLinkLists the Course Location and links to the Location Information page, depending on the ShowLocation INI setting.
pcWksLinkIf the course has workshops, adds a link to the Workshop Listing page (only shows workshops--individuals cannot enroll from this page).
pcFeeLinkIf the course has more than one fee set up, adds a link to the Fee Breakdown page (lists all possible fee structures for course and all additional/optional fees).
pcCouponMsgDisplays the Coupons Available message if the course has coupon codes. Message text comes from the coupons.htm template.
oCourse.MembDiscountMsg()Displays the amount user can save by becoming a member. E.g. You could save [up to] [$amtsaved] on this course by becoming a member of [Membership Course Title] (up to words added if more than 1 membership rate on course. $amtsaved is [regular rate minus membership rate]; if there is more than 1 membership rate, uses the rate with the biggest savings. Membership Course Title is a link to the stated Membership course(s) )
pcMemberMsgAn alternate option to oCourse.MembDiscountMsg(). If used, will display a message that user can receive discounts by becoming a member of membership course, but does not specify savings amount. E.g. You can receive discounts on this course by becoming a member of [Membership Course Title].
pcPrereqLinkAdds the Prerequisites link (if there are course prerequisites).
pcRelatedListAdds the Related Courses list (if there are related courses).
pcClassLinkAdds the Who Else is Enrolled link.
pcIconAdds the icon listed in the Course Category field to the page.
IF there are openings / ENDIFElements in this section are displayed if there are opening in the course. E.g. the Enroll Yourself and Enroll Someone Else buttons. This section should not be edited, moved, or removed.
Config.cProxyRegUsed in an IIF statement to display the Enroll Someone Else button if the ProxyReg INI setting is ENABLED.
pcPayPromptReturns the payment method message (e.g. "A valid credit card will be required for payment..."). If desired, use a function to customize the message.
pcStatusDisplays the "There are still openings remaining at this time." message if the course is accepting registrations. Displays the "Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course." message if the course is past the registration deadline.
oCourse.hybridStatus()For use with Hybrid courses, displays the number of physical seats that are still available.
pcClosedDisplays a message when the course is full. Will use the value of the VerboseFullMsg INI setting if entered. Defaults to "Sorry, this course is full." if VerboseFullMsg is blank.
pcNoticeMessage for courses that don't allow online enrollment. This option is only to be used when pcPayPrompt is set to OFF.
ProgressBarAdds the Enrollment Progress Meter to the page.
ConfigOptional section that may contain custom settings. You should not edit or remove unless instructed to by your ACEware technician.