Attendance Sheets ​
You can give instructors the option to view, print or export (to Microsoft Excel) an attendance sheet via ACEweb. To enable the Attendance Sheet option:
- Create a folder called "Temp" in the Ace templates folder (e.g. ...\wconnect\ace\temp).
- Obtain an updated copy of ClassRoster.htm from your ACEware Systems technician and place it in the Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace).
- Obtain a updated copy of the awPrint.css style sheet and place it in the CSS folder (i.e. wconnect\ace\css). Â The awPrint.css style sheet controls how the attendance sheet is printed**.
- Check your Standard.htm template to see if the
tag includes the link to the awPrint.css. Â If it does not, add it:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/wconnect/ace/css/awPrint.css" media="print">
Add the following styles to the awStyles.css style sheet, updating the color values to reflect your own color scheme. Â These style control the table format on the attendance sheet web page:
.awAttendSheet   /\* Style for Attendance Sheet Table \*/ {     border-collapse: collapse;     margin: 0 auto 0 auto;     text-align: left;     padding: 0;     /\*sC06\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC06\*/;M } .awAttendSheet th   /\* Style for Header Row in Attendance Sheet Table  \*/ {     /\*sC03\*/ background-color: #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;     /\*sC03\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;     vertical-align: top;     /\*sC04\*/ color: #ffffff /\*eC04\*/;     font-weight: normal;     font-size: small;     text-align: center; } .awAttendSheet td   /\* Style for Main Rows in Attendance Sheet Table  \*/ {     /\*sC08\*/ background-color: #dee8f4  /\*eC08\*/;     /\*sC03\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;     padding: 3px 2px 3px 2px;     font-size: small; } .awAltRow td   /\* Style for Alternate Rows in Attendance Sheet Table  \*/ {     /\*sC09\*/ background-color: #ffffff /\*eC09\*/;     font-weight: normal;     font-size: samll; }
**Due to the limitations of HTML--and depending on the instructor's browser settings--the printed Attendance Sheet may not show all sessions if there are more than 28. Â Instructors are given instructions to work around this limitation on the ClassRoster.htm template.