Attendance Sheets ​
You can give instructors the option to view, print or export (to Microsoft Excel) an attendance sheet via ACEweb. To enable the Attendance Sheet option:
- Create a folder called "Temp" in the Ace templates folder (e.g. ...\wconnect\ace\temp).
- Obtain an updated copy of ClassRoster.htm from your ACEware Systems technician and place it in the Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace).
- Obtain a updated copy of the awPrint.css style sheet and place it in the CSS folder (i.e. wconnect\ace\css). The awPrint.css style sheet controls how the attendance sheet is printed**.
- Check your Standard.htm template to see if the
tag includes the link to the awPrint.css. If it does not, add it:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/wconnect/ace/css/awPrint.css" media="print">
Add the following styles to the awStyles.css style sheet, updating the color values to reflect your own color scheme. These style control the table format on the attendance sheet web page:
css.awAttendSheet   /\* Style for Attendance Sheet Table \*/ {     border-collapse: collapse;     margin: 0 auto 0 auto;     text-align: left;     padding: 0;     /\*sC06\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC06\*/;M } .awAttendSheet th   /\* Style for Header Row in Attendance Sheet Table  \*/ {     /\*sC03\*/ background-color: #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;     /\*sC03\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;     vertical-align: top;     /\*sC04\*/ color: #ffffff /\*eC04\*/;     font-weight: normal;     font-size: small;     text-align: center; } .awAttendSheet td   /\* Style for Main Rows in Attendance Sheet Table  \*/ {     /\*sC08\*/ background-color: #dee8f4  /\*eC08\*/;     /\*sC03\*/ border: solid 1px #2e5886 /\*eC03\*/;     padding: 3px 2px 3px 2px;     font-size: small; } .awAltRow td   /\* Style for Alternate Rows in Attendance Sheet Table  \*/ {     /\*sC09\*/ background-color: #ffffff /\*eC09\*/;     font-weight: normal;     font-size: samll; }
**Due to the limitations of HTML--and depending on the instructor's browser settings--the printed Attendance Sheet may not show all sessions if there are more than 28. Instructors are given instructions to work around this limitation on the ClassRoster.htm template.