Course Proposals ​
You can allow instructors to submit course proposals online. To implement this option:
- Obtain copies of the course proposal files from your ACEware technician.
- Place the files in the following locations:
- CourseProposal_page.prg and CourseProposal_page.fxp - place this into an aceweb subfolder within the regular aceweb folder (i.e. aceweb\aceweb).
- CourseProposal.awp - place this file in the Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace)
- CrseProp.txt - place this file in the Templates folder (i.e. wconnect\ace)
- Place a link to CourseProposal.awp on the appropriate page (e.g. Instructor Log on page or Instructor courses page). Note: Â the CourseProposal.awp is not a method, so you must link to the file in Templates folder, e.g.
Confirmation Emails ​
A confirmation email is sent to the address the instructor enters in the Email field when a course proposal is submitted (text based on crseprop.txt email template). A submission notice is also sent to the staff member(s) listed in the OfficeEmail INI setting.
Exit Button Redirect ​
By default the Exit button will take the user to the Home page (as specified in WebRegURL INI) but you can specify an alternate URL for the button in the CommandArgument attribute. Note: Â you must enter the full URL path, e.g.:
Course Proposal Information ​
Instructors are required to enter the course name and description; and their name, phone number and email address. All other information is optional.
When the instructor submits the page:
- A message is shown on the page, telling them the submission was successful. If they didn't fill in a required field, they receive a message telling them what fields they need to complete.
- Confirmation of a successful submission is sent to the email address they entered.
- An email is sent to the Office Email staff, notifying them that a course proposal has been submitted.
Course Proposal Records ​
Course Proposal records are stored in the Catalog table. To view them, select
.To approve a course proposal:
- The Course Proposal code is a generated code (starting with :WCP). Before approving the course proposal, you must change the code (e.g. COM101).
- Click the Approve button.
When you approve the course, the course proposal record is moved from the course proposal area to the regular catalog code area. You can then create a course record and assign it the catalog code you created for the course proposal.