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Payment Plan Module ​

The optional Payment Plan module allows users to set up payment plans when registering for courses via ACEweb. You set up the Payment Plan rules on a course by course basis.

Registrants must pay a deposit and the rest of the amount due will be billed according to the Payment Plan rules.

Installation ​

The Payment Plan module requires additional files for ACEweb. Please contact your ACEware technician for installation files/instructions.

Student Manager Setup ​

The Payment Plan rules are set up on the ACEweb Info tab, in the Payment Plan Rules field.

  1. Click the Build button to start building the rules.

  2. Set the percentage to be billed by the Begin Date in Step 1. This is how much of the remainder after the deposit needs to be paid before the begin date of the course. This needs to be somewhere between 0 (restriction is skipped) and 100 (must fully pay the balance before the course start date).

Step 1

  1. Set the number of payments allowed past the Begin Date in Step 2. This defines how long students have before they must pay you. A negative number says they need to finish that many pay periods before the begin of the class. Anything positive gives them that leeway.

Step 2

  1. Set the Rounding digits for the Billing amount in Step 3. E.g. -2 would yield 123.12, -1 would yield 123.1, 0 would yield 123, etc.

Step 3

  1. Set the monthly Billing Date in Step 4. For example, 15 would set the payment date as the 15th of each month. Setting it to 31 would set the date as the last day of the month. You can also use commas to separate the days if you want multiple payments each month. Thus, 15,31 would have them pay the 15th and last day of each month.

Step 4

  1. Set the number of days after registration for the 1st Billing to be due in Step 5. This gives the person a break from having two payments back-to-back. For example, they pay the deposit on the 14th, you don’t want them to pay the very next day for their first payment of the payment plan. Put in 30 if you are having them pay once a month or 15 if they are paying twice a month.

Step 5

After step 6, the values are entered into the Payment Plan Rules field.

Step 6

Choose Payment Plan ​

When the student registers for the course, they must choose to pay the deposit to enable the payment plan option.

Choose Deposit

When they proceed to checkout, they can choose the proposed payment plan.

Choose Plan

If the student chooses the proposed plan and finishes the registration, they will pay the deposit and ACEweb will create the proposed number of Billing records (the 3 type are Billing type payments).

Payment Plan Records