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ACEweb Course Deposits ​

You can set up deposits that a user can pay when enrolling via ACEweb. When a user enrolls in a course and selects the deposit option, the deposit amount is applied to the course and a billing record is created for the remaining amount due. Student Manager staff can then invoice the registrant for the remaining amount.


  • ACEweb only supports one deposit fee per course.
  • Deposit amount is applied to Main fee only.
  • Any additional charges selected (mandatory or optional fees) must be paid with the deposit. :::

To set up the Deposit feature:

  1. Create main fees for the entire course amount and for the deposit amount. The deposit fee should be hidden from the web. You can set an expiration number as well and ACEweb will only allow the paying of a deposit until the expiration date is reached.

Deposit Main Fee

Note: you can have multiple Registration fee rates (e.g. Registration Fee, Senior Citizen Fee, etc.), however you can only have 1 Deposit fee.

  1. Enter the deposit fee description into the AllowDeposit INI setting.

When the user enrolls in the course, they will have the option to pay the full amount or only the deposit amount:

Deposit Option on Cart

If they choose the deposit option, they must pay the deposit amount at the time of the web enrollment (i.e.with a credit card). The full amount is saved to the registration, with a notation in the Registration Note field that the deposit was paid:

Registration Note

In their registration confirmation is a note about the remaining portion:

Email Confirmation Message

And a billing record is created for the remaining amount. Staff can then invoice the registrant for the amount due:

Billing Record