Look Up Courses by Instructor ​
ACEweb offers the ability to view courses by Instructor teaching the course:
Enable Courses by Instructor ​
To view courses by instructor, place the following link (where yourwebdomain is your server's web domain) on the appropriate web page (e.g. your Home page):
If desired, you can edit the instlookup.htm template and add other instructor fields:
- ##tInst.name## - Instructor Name (first and last)
- ##tInst.inSalut## - Instructor Salutation
- ##tInst.inName1## - Instructor First Name
- ##tInst.inName2## - Instructor Middle Name
- ##tInst.inName3## - Instructor Last Name
- ##tInst.inSuff## - Instructor Suffix
- ##tInst.email## - Instructor Email*
- ##tInst.dphone## - Instructor Day Phone*
- ##tInst.hphone## - Instructor Eve Phone*
- ##tInst.cellPh## - Instructor Cell Phone*
- ##tInst.inAddr1## - Instructor Address Line 1
- ##tInst.inAddr2## - Instructor Address Line 2
- ##tInst.inCity## - Instructor City
- ##tInst.inState## - Instructor State
- ##tInst.inZip## - Instructor Zip Code
- ##tInst.inSkill## - Instructor Skills
- ##tInst.inbio## - Instructor Bio
- ##tInst.inHTML## - Instructor HTMLÂ formatted Bio
- ##tInst.link## - Link to courses taught by instructor with the word 'Courses' as link text
- ##tInst.nameLink## - Link to courses taught by instructor with the instructor name as link text
- ##tInst.altID## - Instructor ID
*Phones and email will only be displayed if the appropriate Publish box is checked.
Featured Instructors ​
An additional option allows you to create a special page focusing on "Featured" instructors. To use this option:
Note: this option requires the Alternate InstLookup.htm template (see above section).
- Flag your featured instructors (the ones you want to be displayed on the page) by checking the Instructor User Defined Logical Field 3 on the instructor record (field is on the Additional Info tab).
- Put the following "Featured Instructors" link on your web page, where yourwebdomain is the url of your server:
- If desired, edit the ##-FeatureList-## section on the InstLookup.htm template to customize the introductory statement (e.g. from "Featured Instructors:" to "Some of our most popular instructors are:").