Linking to Custom Pages (Xpage) ​
Use ACEweb's Xpage routine to generate custom HTML pages you've created (these are templates that are not provided in the standard ACEweb install) using headers/footers from Standard.htm so that they will have the same design as other ACEweb pages.
For example, if you want to provide a Frequently Asked Questions page for your users, you can create the template including the appropriate section tags to call the header/footer information. The page is generated just like the other standard ACEweb pages.
To use the Xpage routine:
- Create your HTML template including the section tags for Standard.htm in the appropriate locations. Note: the template must have the .htm or .html extension (e.g. faq.htm).
- Place the template wconnect/ace or in the wconnect/ace/custom folder.
- Add the template name to the Xpages INIÂ setting.
- Put the following link on the appropriate pages: /XPage.awp?&Page=PageName.htm where PageName is the name of your template, e.g.:
<a href="/XPage.awp?&Page=FAQ.htm">Frequently Asked Questions</a>