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AddFee2 ​

This version only works in the VFP version of ACEweb. If running the ACEweb SQL version, use ADDFEE2SQL instead. For Student Manager reporting, use this ADDFEE2 version.

Returns the descriptions and/or amounts of Additional Charges for specific registrations.

ACEweb Area(s) ​

RegStatusFields INI, RosterFields INI, TranscriptFields INI

Required Parameters ​

  1. Name ID (i.e. nmid-used in RosterFields, pcStuID-used in RegStatusFields and TranscriptFields)
  2. Course # (i.e. cocrse-used in RegStatusFields and TranscriptFields,pcClassID-used in RosterFields)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Numeric return value:
    0=fee description only as a character string
    1= description and amount as a string (default)
    2= fee amount as a numeric value with formatting, e.g. 9999.99
    3= unformatted numeric value
  2. Condition to return fee (i.e. "rfdesc='book'")
  3. Delimiter to place between description and fee amount (i.e. " ", ", ", " - ")
  4. Numeric return value: repeat N times the character string in Parameter 5 (to control spacing between Description and Fee Amount)
  5. Logical .t. inserts <br> tag at end of line when the string output option is selected. For use when returning multiple fees.

Example(s) ​

ADDFEE2(pcStuID,cocrse) returns description and dollar amount of optional charges (Banquet Ticket 12.00)

ADDFEE2(pcStuID,cocrse,2,"rfdesc= 'Book'") returns amount of Book fee (12.00)

padr(ADDFEE2(nmid,pcClassID,,,,,.t.),200) returns description & amount of all optional charges, with charges separated by <br> tags. (the pad function is required to show all optional charges)