GetFee ​
This version works in ACEweb. This GetFee version works in Student Manager reports.
Returns the dollar amount for a specific Main fee set up in the Course record.
ACEweb Area(s) ​
ScheduleFields INI
Required Parameters ​
- Course #, (i.e: cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
- Main Registration Fee Description (i.e: "Registration Fee", "Staff Fee")
OR "feident:feorder", in the format: "F"+CHR(58)+"1" would return the first fee with the identity "F"
Optional Parameters ​
- Data Path (not used)
- Fee order flag (if set to .t., returns the fee order instead of the amount)
- Format Pattern (i.e: "$9999.99")
Example(s) ​
GETFEE(cocrse,"Staff Fee") returns amount of Staff fee (i.e. $125.00)
GETFEE(cocrse,"F"+CHR(58)+"1") returns amount of the first Registration fee of the course
GETFEE(cocrse,"",,.t.) returns the fee order instead of the amount
GETFEE(cocrse,"F"+CHR(58)+"1",,,"$9999") returns the fee amount of the first main fee, formatted with no decimals