HTWrap ​
Wraps an element in the specified html tag, if the element is non-empty. If it is empty, nothing is returned.
ACEweb Routines/Templates ​
Special Use
Required Parameters ​
- Element to wrap. E.g. pcClosed.
- Wrapping html tag, entered in quotations. E.g. "p", "span".
Optional Parameters ​
- Additional HTMLÂ attributes, enclosed in brackets ( [] ). E.g. [class="awImportant"]
Examples ​
##HTWrap(pcClosed,"p")## if pcClosed is not empty, wraps the pcClosed value in the html paragraph tag, e.g.<p>pcClosed value</p>
##HTWrap(pcClosed,"p",[class="awImportant"])## if pcClosed is not empty, wraps the pcClosed value in the html paragraph tag and adds the awImportant class to the p tag, e.g.<p class="awImportant">pcClosed value</p>