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SessionMsg ​

Returns Logged on as [person] messages.

ACEweb Routines/Templates ​

[../../aceweb/html-templates/foundation-templates](Foundation Templates)

Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​

  1. CSS Class – applied to messages. May enter up to 3 classes separated by commas:
  • 1: applied to the Logged on as [web user] message.
  • 2: applied to the _Account Created for [account name] message.
  • 3: applied to the links.

Defaults to awSessionMsg if left blank.

  1. Span ID – if an ID is needed for the span tags. (SessionMsg(,,"myid") will add id="myid" to the extra notice, id="myid2" to the log status).
  2. Flag to suppress line break – a <br> tag will always be added to the end unless this is .T.
  3. Flag to preserve session variable – set to .T. if you don’t want the internal message cleared after being displayed once.

Example(s) ​


  • If no one is logged on, returns Log On link.
  • If web user is logged in, returns Logged on as [web user's name], two line breaks and a Log Off link.

Logged On As Message

  • If logged on web user creates a new account, returns Account Created for [account name], a link to add another account, the Logged on as [web user], two line breaks and a Log Off link:

New Account Message