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Course Status ​

When you create a course record, it’s Active by default (Active box is checked)--IF--you have the Default Value for Active Field option enabled on Course Preferences.

Course Status Options

Active courses show in Add Registration routines, and they show in ACEweb Course Listing (if the course meets the other ACEweb course listing criteria).

Other Course Status Options ​

These are the other status options and how they impact course behavior:

Inactive Course (Active box not checked) ​

Inactive courses do not show in the available courses listings when you register an individual from the Names screen --AND-- when you register an individual from Module > Registrations > Add/Edit Registrations (by Registrant). In addition, inactive courses do not appear in ACEweb course listings.

Deactivating a course (unchecking the Active box) will not impact your reports (unless you run a query that specifically excludes deactivated courses). And if you find you need to add a registration after deactivating it, you may still do so from the course record (Add/Edit Reggies button then Add button on the Registration screen), or from Module > Registrations > Add/Edit Registrations (by Course).

To deactivate a single course, un-check the Active field. To deactivate a series of courses, run the Mass Change/Update/Delete/Archive procedure.

Cancel Course (Cancel box checked) ​

Canceling a course removes it from all Registration routines. In addition, canceled courses will not be included in most reports unless you specifically request to include canceled records in the report. To cancel a course without registrations, check the Cancel box. To cancel a course with registrations, run the Cancel Course Wizard.

Locked Course (Locked box checked) ​

Locking a course restricts all users from making any changes to the course record, registrations, or payments (useful for accounting purposes to lock records after a course has finished).

To lock a single course, check the Locked field. To lock a series of courses, run the Mass Change/Update/Delete/Archive procedure.