One-Time Coupons ​
Set up a coupon that registrant can use on one course only in a given term.
Coupon Set Up ​
To enable the one-time coupon feature:
- Select then select the Pay tab.
- Enter the coupon information in the One Time Coupon Setup section.
- Coupon Code to Use: coupon code the user will enter to receive the discount. E.g. in the above example, the user would need to enter ONETIME in the Promotional Discount field to receive the discount.
- Coupon Amount: discount user will receive, entered as a negative value. E.g. -10.00 if they will receive $10 off; enter -0.10 if they will receive 10% off.
- Coupon Description: fee description used for the coupon discount when it's entered on the registration record.
- Course Code Begins: course must begin with the entered value to receive the discount. E.g. in the above example, users will receive the discount on the first course they enroll in that starts with 24S.
ACEweb Setup ​
For ACEweb support, you must set the OneTimeCoupon INIÂ setting to ON.
Pre-Filling the Coupon Code on the Enrollment Cart ​
If you want the coupon code to be pre-entered for the user, enter ##pcCouponPreFill## into the value of the txtCoupon input tag on XEnrollCard.htm, e.g.:
<input type="text" name="txtCoupon" id="txtCoupon" value="##pcCouponPreFill##" size="12" tabindex="50" /\>
The coupon code will be pre-entered into the field when the users adds a qualifying course to the Cart:
Assessing Coupon ​
In Student Manager, you will be asked if you want to assess the one time coupon:
On ACEweb, the user will add the coupon code to the registration:
And the coupon is added to the Cart: