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Module Buttons ​

Student Manager screens (i.e. Course, Names, Registration, etc.) provide you with a Navigation Toolbar. Use the buttons to perform the following actions.

First ButtonMoves to the first record of the database.*
Next ButtonMoves up one record.*
Previous ButtonMoves down one record.*
Last ButtonMoves to the last record of the database.*
Add ButtonCreate a new record.*
Save ButtonSaves any edits you have made.*
Undo ButtonUndo any edits made since your last save.**
Delete ButtonMarks the record for deletion.^
Find ButtonLocates a specific record from the database.*
Abandon ButtonCancels any edits and closes the screen.**
OK/Close ButtonSaves edits and closes the screen.*

*These buttons save any changes you have made to the current record before navigating to the next record you have chosen.

**These buttons close the screen WITHOUT saving any changes you have made to the record.

^Your Student Manager administrator can restrict record deletion. If your delete record access has been restricted, this button will be hidden.