Returns number of instructors assigned to a course.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Courses, Instructor
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, licrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
Optional Parameters ​
- Condition to count (i.e. "insuff='R.N.' ") based on fields in Instruct.dbf
- Numeric return value: 1=returns the total hours the instructor has taught
Example(s) ​
COUNTTCH(cocrse) returns the number of instructors assigned to specific course (i.e. 3)
COUNTTCH(cocrse,"insuff='R.N.' ") returns the number of instructors assigned to specific course with R.N. suffix (i.e. 2).
COUNTTCH(cocrse,"insuff='R.N.' ",1) returns the total hours instructors with R.N. suffix have taught for the specific course (i.e. 12.00).