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This is a Wizard, called by a JUSTDOIT that reports student names who attended course(es) taught by a specific instructor(s).

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​


Optional Parameters ​


Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT('=TEACHERWAS()') presents a wizard that allows you to enter the last name of an instructor (with option to enter multiple instructor names on an Either/Or basis) and returns individuals who have taken courses with the selected instructors.

Notes ​

The only information returned in the report is data from the Name record (Names table).

This function has 5 steps:

  1. Enter Last Name of Instructor. This screen will open for you to add more instructor names. After entering the last one, click Cancel to continue.

Enter the Teacher Last Name

  1. You are presented a list of faculty members who have the last names you entered. You can deselect faculty members, if desired (e.g. you have 2 faculty members with same last name but you only want to include one). Click Done when you are ready to contine.

Data Preview

  1. You may choose to add an additional custom filter or condition ( with raw xBASE code …). You can filter using fields from Names, Course, and Firm.

Custom Criteria

  1. You can choose only one record per individual, or all records per individual. Note: if you select all records, you will get a record for each course the individual has taken with the instructor.
  2. The report lists the names of those individuals who have taken courses with the selected instructors.