This is a Wizard, called by a JUSTDOIT that reports student names who attended course(es) taught by a specific instructor(s).
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
Optional Parameters ​
Example(s) ​
JUSTDOIT('=TEACHERWAS()') presents a wizard that allows you to enter the last name of an instructor (with option to enter multiple instructor names on an Either/Or basis) and returns individuals who have taken courses with the selected instructors.
Notes ​
The only information returned in the report is data from the Name record (Names table).
This function has 5 steps:
- Enter Last Name of Instructor. This screen will open for you to add more instructor names. After entering the last one, click Cancel to continue.
- You are presented a list of faculty members who have the last names you entered. You can deselect faculty members, if desired (e.g. you have 2 faculty members with same last name but you only want to include one). Click Done when you are ready to contine.
- You may choose to add an additional custom filter or condition ( with raw xBASE code …). You can filter using fields from Names, Course, and Firm.
- You can choose only one record per individual, or all records per individual. Note: if you select all records, you will get a record for each course the individual has taken with the instructor.
- The report lists the names of those individuals who have taken courses with the selected instructors.